the words on the stone means 'those who do not reach the great wall are not heros'

the ceiling of the restaurant.

taken at the airport with mr ng!

my hostel room-mates

&still trying to find a happy ending
28/11went tabletennis in the afternoon.
normal training. but the sight of someone just spoilt my day.
pt, 2.4 run.
i ran with wenhang. we didnt stop and we were the first 2 girls.
then we walked to the bus stop and i took bus 14 home.
my mum called and she was in bugis=.=
asked if i wanna go with her and my aunties to indoor stadium for the national healing campaign by prophet tb. joshua.
so rushed home to bathe and took a train to bugis to meet them.
ate dinner then waited for my uncle to come.
took mrt to kallang.
we reached there and there were so many people.
it reminds me of NDP.
the memories there, sitting outside eating KFC etc.
praise and worship.
omggg! the atmosphere is there lah.
i could feel the presence of God.
during the healing, he allowed those on wheel chairs to walk again.
there were testimonies of those healed on the first day.
quite a few were able to walk again.
its really amazing.
God send his child to help everyone.
joshua is born to be a prophet, messenger of God.
we left at 11+ the event still haven end.
we went for supper. i shared fishball noodle with my mum
reached home bout 12+
29/11woke up in the morning and had nothing to do.
went tiong bahru plaza in the afternoon with mum.
ate lunch then shop.
went ntuc to buy glossory
bought ice cream and saw benglin.
went home slept and here i am. haha.
you turned my mourning into dancingyou turned my sorrows into joyi lay my life down onto your feetfor the joy of the Lord is your name
&still trying to find a happy ending
RAWR!beijing is fun fun FUN!
LALALA. 6 hours of flight was sianx. futhermore the food sucks.
reached beijing, the weather was okay just that it's cold when the wind blows.
went to the hostel. it's okay lah. better than i expected.
the food there... is grr. bland and not to my liking haha.
but what can u expect lolx.
the next day, whole day was at the school, learning.
we went to the park and saw many beautiful flowers. took picture with my buddy who grabbed my hand when she saw me=.=

we went the gu gong and tian an men and took pics in front of the countdown to olympics.
the scenery is really really nice! an eye opener indeed.

the food in beijing is very oily and salty.
mostly all the food are like the same in all the restaurant.
the next day, we went to climb the great wall.
out of like 34 people only 5 reached the top.
3 boys, 2 girls.
we climbed 1000+ metres.
we even eat ice cream in winter. its super exciting can! haha. go try ! haha
the ice cream wont melt.
i ate 3 ice cream altogether in china.

during the way up the top, i must really thank clive for waiting for me haha.
haha. its a archivement!
we went to shop. go book shop etc.
on 22nov, we went xi an.
it's supposed to be colder there but beijing seems to have more wind. haha
went bin ma yong and qin shi huang tomb there.
but a pity is that we cant see qin shi huang's tomb cause no one has ever went to the bottom.
it is said that there are alot of traps and once u go down, u can never come up.
that's why no one ever dares to steal things or what.
and ohmy gosh! the hotel in xi an sucks! i shan't tell u guys unless u wanna know, ask me.
the whole trip is really adventurous and i got to know alot of stuffs.
i really hope i can go again next time but my mum... haiiz.
during the trip, i bought demini skirt and jeans and tea etc.
i realised my cousin also went beijing and HE SAW SNOW CAN!
he came back this morning.
the day i went to beijing airport which is 24th, the temp was -1. they said it would snow at night but our flight was afternoon=(
RAWR! MY FREAKING PHONE BILL IS GOING TO BURST.I DIDNT KNOW 1 MINUTE COST $3.i call home almost everyday, each time 10min plus.grr. someone help!hopefully it wont exceed $250.RAWR RAWR RAWR RAWR.I MISS BEIJING! I MISS THE WEATHER THERE!THE COLD YET COOLING WINTER.NOT LIKE IN SINGAPORE, SO HOT.GRR. I WANT IT TO BE WINTER, TO SNOW.I WANT TO EAT ICECREAM THAT DOESNT MELT.I WANT TO CLIMB THE GREAT WALL AGAIN.to everyone who went for the beijing trip:thanks guys for making this trip a wonderful and memorable one.though many of u were ultra noisy in the hostel, getting scolded almost every night, without u, the trip wouldnt be that fun.chatting, laughing and crying. the times we spent together.listening to AHMA GUANG BO! hahasome guys GAYING at the back of the bus haha.it's really very difficult to forget bout the trip.the 10 big shot who always sit together during lunch or dinner. we laugh and cry at each other.its so much of fun. but when school reopen, will we still be like tat?after the trip, will we still remember each other? i will always remember u guys!THURSDAY EAST COAST KAY? AHAH.
&still trying to find a happy ending
do not contact me (sms or call) unless urgent or you wanna pay. xD
haha. anyway, today's training was OH-SO-FAB. haha copy from monkey xD
nanhuaPRI came to play friendly match with us.
YAYAE! mr sim came! ahha miss him. my pri3 chinese teacher lalala.
i played with a pri6 girl.
then played and be umpire...
next round, doubles.
BUT STUPID COACH LIKE CONFIRM WAN ME TO PLAY DOUBLES cos she dun even let me serve from the left side where singles serve. =(
anw, paired up with jessica.
then play play play.
those 2 kids use hand signals like any other doubles except us=.=
i kinda figured out wad they were planning. SORT OF HAHA. LIKE DOWNSPIN and stuffs.
and lalala.
then pt. ran 10 rounds the hall.
went home. was super hungry so ate horfun.
back.did one area for the open hse.
and CIAO haha.
&still trying to find a happy ending
kinda pissed now.
stupid gregory ask me to do the open hse signs yet nv tell me do where de.
today went to school for chalet meeting. kinda slack lol.
jiayu went to buy books from sch bookshop.
darn funny.
u know booklist, the books u want u tick right?
she wanted to buy single line book in the end she put QUESTION MARK.
then wanted to go with council to sentosa.
but wth cant=(
so i accompanied them to bukit merah interchange then i went library return books
stayed there to look at some books on handicrafts.
then went home.
QIANYI; & crowning glory. says:
go my blog. got 1 post got ur name Returning To Hibernation™... YISIN AND MEL, Plz Learn From Me...Slow And Steady Wins The Race! Ownin! Thx Ryan For Winning Point! says:
really arh?QIANYI; & crowning glory. says:
a super short oneQIANYI; & crowning glory. says:
ultra short Returning To Hibernation™... YISIN AND MEL, Plz Learn From Me...Slow And Steady Wins The Race! Ownin! Thx Ryan For Winning Point! says:
QIANYI; & crowning glory. says:
dun give me that faceQIANYI; & crowning glory. says:
hahaReturning To Hibernation™... YISIN AND MEL, Plz Learn From Me...Slow And Steady Wins The Race! Ownin! Thx Ryan For Winning Point! says:
2 LINES NIAReturning To Hibernation™... YISIN AND MEL, Plz Learn From Me...Slow And Steady Wins The Race! Ownin! Thx Ryan For Winning Point! says:
Returning To Hibernation™... YISIN AND MEL, Plz Learn From Me...Slow And Steady Wins The Race! Ownin! Thx Ryan For Winning Point! says:
add more!Returning To Hibernation™... YISIN AND MEL, Plz Learn From Me...Slow And Steady Wins The Race! Ownin! Thx Ryan For Winning Point! says:
like saying Returning To Hibernation™... YISIN AND MEL, Plz Learn From Me...Slow And Steady Wins The Race! Ownin! Thx Ryan For Winning Point! says:
"jon chua is damn hot!"THAT'S SELF-PRAISE JON! HAHA. THICK SKIN =P jokin'
Returning To Hibernation™... YISIN AND MEL, Plz Learn From Me...Slow And Steady Wins The Race! Ownin! Thx Ryan For Winning Point! says:
U CAN WALK TO GREAT WORLD????QIANYI; & crowning glory. says:
YEPQIANYI; & crowning glory. says:HAHAQIANYI; & crowning glory. says:
5min to orchard Returning To Hibernation™... YISIN AND MEL, Plz Learn From Me...Slow And Steady Wins The Race! Ownin! Thx Ryan For Winning Point! says:
where the hell u stay manReturning To Hibernation™... YISIN AND MEL, Plz Learn From Me...Slow And Steady Wins The Race! Ownin! Thx Ryan For Winning Point! says:
rivervalley?QIANYI; & crowning glory. says:
yea nearReturning To Hibernation™... YISIN AND MEL, Plz Learn From Me...Slow And Steady Wins The Race! Ownin! Thx Ryan For Winning Point! says:
GAY LAHQIANYI; & crowning glory. says:
hahaReturning To Hibernation™... YISIN AND MEL, Plz Learn From Me...Slow And Steady Wins The Race! Ownin! Thx Ryan For Winning Point! says:
like my frenQIANYI; & crowning glory. says:
JEALOUS?Returning To Hibernation™... YISIN AND MEL, Plz Learn From Me...Slow And Steady Wins The Race! Ownin! Thx Ryan For Winning Point! says:
GRRRRRReturning To Hibernation™... YISIN AND MEL, Plz Learn From Me...Slow And Steady Wins The Race! Ownin! Thx Ryan For Winning Point! says:
nevamindReturning To Hibernation™... YISIN AND MEL, Plz Learn From Me...Slow And Steady Wins The Race! Ownin! Thx Ryan For Winning Point! says:
HMPFQIANYI; & crowning glory. says:
hahahha jon chua is JEALOUS! LALALAyayae! haha i so love my house location can? haha haha. anyway.
happy? lalala.
3 more days to Beijing, Xi An
&still trying to find a happy ending
4 more days to Beijing, XiAncrap! i will seriously miss Singapore and my family and friends.
suddenly, i feel so empty inside me. i duno why.
anyway, maybe my auntie is right.
my bro has a different way of loving me lol.
he always dun care bout me, bully me.
but this time i going china, he is sort of very concerned. haha.
anw, CIAO.
&still trying to find a happy ending
Your Personality Is |
Idealist (NF)
You are a passionate, caring, and unique person. You are good at expressing yourself and sharing your ideals.
You are the most compassionate of all types and connect with others easily. Your heart tends to rule you. You can't make decisions without considering feelings.
You seek out other empathetic people to befriend. Truth and authenticity matters in your friendships.
In love, you give everything you have to relationships. You fall in love easily.
At work, you crave personal expression and meaning in your career.
With others, you communicate well. You can spend all night talking with someone.
As far as your looks go, you've likely taken the time to develop your own personal style.
On weekends, you like to be with others. Charity work is also a favorite pastime of yours. |
&still trying to find a happy ending
today, i made lunch myself. haha.
then i slack. read the bible and my bro's old a maths textbk.
haha i cant believe i forgot some of the things i learnt. example sets.
haha. anw, was kinda tired. rest awhile
then my bro woke my up and ask me go great world see him eat lunch=.=
then i say okay lah. since i need to buy postcards for the china ppl.
so we walked there. bout 5 to 10min haha.
my bro ate the hamburg set.
i watched him eat.
then he took the shuttle bus to orchard.
i went to the gift shop to buy box and postcards.
box for letters haha.
then i received a call from john saying that they are at tiong bahru.
ask if i wanna go cos its near my hse.
so i walked/ ran home to get elena's letter and purple flower*winks*
then walked/ ran to tiong bahru.
met them at the foodcourt.
laughed and laughed.
haha. then went home. they all took mrt. i loner=(
i walk home haha. but oso good. my hse so near great world, tiong bahru and orchard lol.
argh. i wanna go sentosa on monday! but haiiz. surely mum dun let.though i haven ask.
but cos i going china soon... she... nvm.
the pri sch kids going to build sandcastle and play amazing race.
councillors have to facilitate. I WANNA GO!!! GRR.
anw, CIAO.
6 moredays to Beijing, XiAn
&still trying to find a happy ending
Your Personality Profile

You are dreamy, peaceful, and young at heart. Optimistic and caring, you tend to see the best in people. You tend to be always smiling - and making others smile.
You are shy and intelligent... and a very hard worker. You're also funny, but many people don't see your funny side. Your subtle dry humor leaves your close friends in stitches. |
&still trying to find a happy ending
Your Hidden Talent

You are both very knowledgeable and creative. You tend to be full of new ideas and potential - big potential. Ideas like yours could change the world, if you build them. As long as you don't stop working on your dreams, you'll get there. |
&still trying to find a happy ending
How You Are In Love

You take a while to fall in love with someone. Trust takes time.
You tend to take more than give in relationships.
You tend to get very attached when you're with someone. You want to see your love all the time.
You love your partner unconditionally and don't try to make them change.
You stay in love for a long time, even if you aren't loved back. When you fall, you fall hard. |
&still trying to find a happy ending
thanks bryan, yuan, jiayu and jonchua for comforting me. haha
6 novemberwent to jec with my beloved ass, john and xuewei.
john and xuewei came together siax
haha. anyway, they were in there school pe.
so john went to buy a shirt just to go arcade
played played played.
wanted to take neos but the machine we wanted was spoiled.
then john and xuewei went back.
me and ass wanted to go imm but not enough time
had to decide whether to eat mcflurry or buy yaki udon.
ass went to the venting machine to buy drink.
she put her $ in had took a long time deciding.
wanting to press green tea, she accidentally press rootbeer. darn funny haha
so in the end we shared $ and bought yaki udon and chatted.
7 novemberwent to school to pass yihui his geog textbk.
was early, played netball AWHILE.
haha then went for cca.
was kinda pissed that night.
8 novemberwhole day staring at the com.
watched goong on youtube.
helped ass change her blogskin.
and i gtg soon.
i duno why but i dun feel like going china liao. haha
i haven pack my luggage! HOW! argh
8 more days to Beijing, XiAn.
&still trying to find a happy ending
just another day. woke up at 10plus.
came online in the morning which i seldom do.
then mum ask me to help her to get the winter stuffs for my china trip.
then because of the clothes... i quarrelled with her.
haiiz. nvm.
then went orchard OG to get winter stuffs lol.
bought gloves, cap, heat pack...
went to register for tuition.
i taking a maths and chem.
ranice is going for a maths! yay its gonna be
haha and guess wad?
from december onwards...
its going to be 4 continuous hours of tuition.
actually i duno if i made the right choice.
i hope i dont regret.
i took chem tuition instead of phyics.
my dad says chem no need tuition de but... too late.
i mean like. this year, i like physics and thought chem was harder
so i took chem.
I HOPE I DUN REGRETI DUN WANNA REGRETI WONT REGRET!hmm anyway, i just dun wan to regret cos its my mum hard earn money and i use so much on tuition.
I MUST DO WELL IN MY STUDIES! yea. i got high targets you know haha.
yups then shopped and shopped.
dinner at the ramen ten.
then i bought 2pairs of earrings.
came home cos mum wasnt feeling well and had lots of work to do.
11more days to Beijing, XiAn.
&still trying to find a happy ending
HAPPY BIRTHDAY EDWIN LEE!haha my brother's birthday today!
woke up at bout 10plus.
parents suggested going for brunch at vivo.
yupps so we took a bus there.
SUPER NEAR. bout 10 to 15 minutes from my hse
we went straight to basement. haha
CANDY EMPIRE! lol. bought jellybeans and the wonka sticks.
then we walked around to see what food to eat cos my bro dun wanna eat normal food lol.
then walk walk walk.
me and my bro went to carls jr. parents went food republic.
i shared the SUPER BIG burger combo with my bro.
he didnt feel like eating that much.
yep. then while waiting for my parents we went to golden village to see
then action city, mini toons etc.
then we shopped shopped shopped haha
went to a shoes shop, wanting to buy a pair of formal sandals cos mine spoiled.
then i saw the informal sandals which i like.
kinda confused, duno which to buy.
in the end, bought both haha. $40+
then went to first storey crocs.
my brother wants to buy crocs.
he got like so many slippers all ex de lor. havannas.
now crocs. he wanted to buy the $60+ de but my mum say not nice
so in the end he bought the $80+ one=.=
then i realised its like 330pm liao.
almost late for cell.
so took mrt to church. managed to reach on time.
so yah. cell, as normal.
then me, and a few others went to the library, they bought food from the cafe.
then service! whoots. praise and worship!surmon and prayers.
the last prayer was kinda powerful.
nothing is impossible in this world with God.a strong buddhist can even convert to a christian,let alone a friend whom we always think they are unreachable.we prayed for the people/ friends to be saved,
to know God and ask for a transformation in churchs...
those who are saved,are like bottles filled with water.those who are not saved,are like dry land,of no use but to be trampled.we, being the water,should help them, give them the needs of life,to let them continue with their life,a life of a purpose!yea. thats what i thought of.
i mean like.
really, its true.
a life knowing God and a life without knowing Him is really different.God sends His only son to this earth, to die for our dirty sinsand that we are forgiven.knowing God and His purpose for us, makes our lives more meaningful and worthy.knowing that He is the creator, a saviour, someone who does miraclesthose who haven know Him, would more or less be living in the dark,but not those who knows Him.therefore, as children of God, we must spread the word and bring more people to christand to save them.IT IS NOT MY WILL, BUT BY GOD'S WILL.after service, my family went for dinner at alexander.
wow $60+ food wasnt that nice.
then yah. here i am, back here.
ENOUGHyou are my supplymy breath of lifestill more awesome than i knowyou are my rewardworth living forstill more awesome than i knowall of you is more than enough forall of me for every thirst and every needyou satisfy me with your loveand all i have in you is more than enoughyou're my sacrifice of greatest pricestill more awesome than i knowyou're my coming kingyou are everythingstill more awesome than i knowmore than all i wantmore than all i needyou are more than enough for memore than all i knowmore than all i can seeyou are more than enoughGIVE US CLEAN HANDSwe bow our hearts, we bend our kneeso spirit come make us humblewe turn our eyes from evil thingso lord we cast down our idolsgive us clean hands, give us pure heartslet us not lift our souls to anothergive us clean hands, give us pure heartslet us not life our souls to anothero god let us be a generation that seeksthat seeks your face o god of jacobo god let us be a generation that seeksthat seeks your face o god of jacobanyway, i got to go. CIAO.
i didnt break my promises. all these time, everything seemed to change. each and every time the same thing happened. i learnt to cherish u more but at the same time, the heart is kinda confused. or rather u can say it was nv whole to be the same as before.sry.
&still trying to find a happy ending
okay, today is super boring.
woke up early then slack.
came online to check if there's mail from carolene on prayer pointers
for today's
nation prayer chain 24.365 prayer!basically my cell is scheduled for the 330-400pm slot.
prayed for
unitedness in Christ,rootedness in Christ, purity in Christ and others.
and ohman! i cried during prayer.
yea, i just kinda prayed and hope that more people will come to know Christ.
and that we, as brothers and sisters in Christ, will be united and bring glory to His name.
fulfilling our purpose of spreading His word.
that we will have faith just as small as mustard seed and it would be enough.
through testimonies and the bible, telling people how great God is,
the miracles He does and the purpose He has for us,
everyone of us!
yep, and sigh. i can't go for mission trips again! =(
cause my whole schedule is like fully booked.
and i will be going China, the more mother won't let me go for missions.
i wanna help those children in third world countries, show them love, care and concern
and of course, share God's love and let them touch and rest in His peace.
but crap! i cant go. i have to wait till i grow up, i guess.
anyway, to those going for missions,
do your best to help those kids kay? and spread the word!
yups, i packed my room the whole day.
its kinda clean haha.
i even made room for sec3 books.
cos my room is like library?
lol. i have books of pri3 even.
my mum don't want me to throw cos she may need it sometime.
ya. then i realised i need some re-designing of my room.
to make it a better place to study and stuffs.
so first, pack room
second, i decorated my noticeboard.

now my noticeboard is like WOW colourful. haha.
then i went bukit merah with my family for dinner.
reached home and used the com.
like wth.why do i even care so much now. what am i thinking and feeling.it makes me so sad when i saw what you and her wrote.oh please just stop denying anything or what. i don't give a darn now. i hope=/anyway, i guess that's about it.
it's a new start and now, God is my centre of everything.
thanks elena aka blur2 for the song and everything.
CENTRE OF IT ALLlet my walk speak loudlet me words be true let my life be wholewith my eyes on youletting go of meholding on to youfreedom comes when i call you Lordyou are Lord, my Godyou are the centre of it allthe universe declares it all your majesty, i surrender alli make you the centre of my life, Lord i respond withall i am. you've placed in mea song of heaven's melodyyour majesty, i live to sing your songi have found my peaceit replaces any fearyou've done it alli can trust in you
&still trying to find a happy ending
okay, i created new blog. haha relink guys!
yupps. and...
&still trying to find a happy ending
TODAY'S SUPER DUPER FUNNNNN!!!like yay! fun fun fun!haha.
today went to see SINGAPORE BIENNALE with mr ng and jiayu and lots of guys.
met at city hall mrt.then we went national museum.
we took lots of badges lol. then see the artwork.
omgg. now im like so in love with art.
i always love art but now, MORE! HAHA
i love the video on the last supper.
tells me alot bout the last meal that prisoners eat before getting executed.yah.
and mr ng bought the guide book and in the end he gave me.
spent 2 hours there.then went for lunch at funan.
laughed and laughed.then went city hall the old parliment there to continue.
had lots of fun, right guys? haha
running around the maze, laughing at the table... haha
after everything, we went suntec.arcade! haha car racing! lol
yay. i won the guys! whoots haha. mr ng very shocked haha.
and kailun say i'm daytona USA Queen lol.watched the guys play shooting and all that.spent alot alot alot of $. mr ng spent more than $10 lols.then we went back.
yupps. waited for my parents at tiong bahru for dinner.here i am , back.i had lots and lots of fun! haha. next time must go out again with mr ng. right guys? lol.suddenly i feel like going library haha.okay, CIAO.
&still trying to find a happy ending