YAY YAY YAY!i changed blogskin.
it took me bout 3 hours.
edit here, edit there.
quite satisfied though.
only thing i dun like is the tagboard the scroll there abit weird cos white colour.
i forgot my password for cbox so have to wait till i free to make a new one, i guess.
and another thing is the songs there. the colour =(
haha nvm. nothing is perfect.
today soooo boring.
at first my mum called my auntie, ask if they wanan go fishing
then my cousin's family went to check out the usual place.
they got competition from 7am to 7pm.
so in the end didnt go cos its quite ex.
so slack at home.
im not used to it!
i wanna go school, i guess.
haha. at home nothing to do de.
sms-ed alot recently=(
did finish maths holiday homework
like finally! haha
normally one day i can finish le
but this one=.= i took days lah.
then got a few i duno how to do.
someone help D:
so many homework but but but no mood!
i need laughing pills
&still trying to find a happy ending
SONIC EDGE ALBUM LAUNCH CONCERT SOOOOOOO ROCK!!!!!http://myspace.com/sonicedgebandcheck it out. there are some songs too.
i'm like damn high nowwwwwwwwwww!the atmosphere, the presence of God was just there.
and we just sang our hearts out.
it wasnt just songs
but indeed, like what pastor glenn said,
it was NEW SONG.
songs that differentiate us from the past and present.
the stage decorations were cool.
haha lightings etc.
we sang both songs from the new album and old.
everyone was like screaming,
and we, those people infront, were jumping like mad haha.
pastor glenn sang the song 'surrender' and played the guitar.
he is the founder of sonci edge band.
omgosh, his speech was touching. i almost cried.
yea, really must thank God.
for everything He did, and even bringing us to where we are now.
sonic edge new album was supposed to launch like 3 years ago.
then experienced some probs.
luckily the producer waited for them for 3 whole years,
otherwise, there wouldnt be today.
had altar call.continued with praise and worship.
then they ask us gather infront for photo taking.
i guess it was a trick to get us infront to be high haha
the guys went wilddddddddd.
they were like banging into each other.
then benjamin climb onto the stage and jump onto his friend's hands.
they sort of carried him...
quite funny though
supeeeeeeeeeeerrr higgggggggggh
haha. i got bang-ed into alot of times.
then i think this lady saw.
she ask his boyfriend to stand beside me to protect me? haha
she even asked me to stand away from them.
nice person=)
there was encore. haha
ended bout 11pm like that.
bus-ed home, dinner.
you are my shelter from the stormyou are the God who never sleepswhere can i go to hide from you.i surrender it to yousurrender, surrenderi lay my life before you nowsurrender, surrenderi lay my burdens down.turn your eyes on the lordgive him praise due his nameturn your eyes on the mountainturn yours eyes on mount zionturn your eyes on the lordhe is worthy of praisehe is the holy lamb of god he is the redeemerglorify him with praisewith your hearts and eyeslift your eyes to the hillsand the lamb upon the thronehe is worthy of all praisehe is worthy of all worshiplord with all my hearti will praise your nameyour love i'll proclaimyou are righteousnessyou are prince of princeyour name i'll proclaimput a new song in my heartsing a new song for my kingyou are the song that i singlord your glory is seen in the heavensyour love is over the earthyour faithfulness is through the generationswho compares to your matchless worthi will lift my heart in worshipi will raise my voice and singcome and dwell among your peopleas your people crown you kinglord your glory everlastingi bow down and worship ugreat and mighty you are holythere is no one else like youwho am i that u should save mewho am i that u should love mewho am i that u should give your life for mei will be still and know that u are godi will be still and know that you are godand i will know that u are near.i will be still and know that u are godi will bow down and know that u are godi will bow down and know that u are god.and i will know that u are neari will bow down and know tat u are godthis is the daythat u have madei will rejoice and be glad at it.you are the lordthe king of kingsopen my eyes to see your facelet ur presence fill this place.you are the morning staryou are the holy oneyou are the son of godyou are his only sonand i will turn my eyes to youand u will not turn me away*different colour, different song.
&still trying to find a happy ending

yay! yuan and me<3

me, yuan, fangyu, jiayu.
&still trying to find a happy ending
grr. super pissed off now.
you think u some bigshot? i dun give a damn whether so. what makes u think u can insult people, scold people, trip people or even throw bottles at them? please change that sh!t attitude of yours. we are OLDER than you, for godness sake. where the hell is your respect. oh please, look at how many people u have offended. almost half the team. i wont say u are childish, u are rude! if u are really coming to our sch, please change your attitude or u better watch out next year. {/edited}
went to school at 9plus for this environmental competition briefing. did ushering
till bout 12plus. ate lunch then training.
wasnt in the mood or wad.slacked alot.
dun wanna talk bout what happened later.
make me madder. grr.
28 may!
yst was lol lah.
supposed to be 303 outing.
in the end so many ppl couldnt make it. only me yuan yijun and chaypioh.
the night before was discussing bout the outing. conference call till like 12plus in the end no result=.=
so early in the morning. me and chaypioh made up our mind to go cine to watch pirates.
informed the rest. then conference call again.
super funny conver.
it was like 11.05 and we were still on the phone.
some were supposed to meet at 11.30 but haven bathe lol.
on the bus, so many ppl look at me lah. wherever i went.
cos its weird to wear dress in the afternoon at orchard=/
no choice, cultural pot after that mah.
then waited like sooooooooo long for them.
yijun latest!
guys wear almost the same de. unfair haha
longsleeves, jeans, sneakers. some accessories.
all four of us look sooooooo formal lah haha
supposed to watch 12.50 movie but couldnt make it.
watched 1.30 instead.
missed bout 10min cos had lunch.
cinema was cooooold.
yuan say ask the guys take out their clothes let us wear since so dark no one see lol
but of cos didnt lah.
then my leggies (as wad cp says) hurt like siaoooo
so went round looking for plaster.
my heels almost murdered me =/
went heeren. NEOPRINTS!
lol hahaha. kinda weird. but yah.
we stole cp first time.
pics were gayyyy haha.
supposed to meet jiayu they all at 6pm
was like half hour late.
went kfc. cheesefries plus lemonade.
i like kfc lemonade! haha
cultural pot was okay lah. dance is nice.
duno wad to say...
hmm. dad drove jiayu yuan and fangyu to mrt.
home, ate my dinner/supper which was like bro's leftover pizza.
sms till i fell asleep.
was a fun day afterall.
there's so many homework yet so little timeeeeeeeeee.
i need some discipline to clean my room, sit down at my table and work!
arghh. my room is a disaster=/
seriously, have to start homework le.
3 book reviews will take away my life by mid/end june.
wish me luck=(
have to maintain my results le.
quite satisfied with results but i aim higher.
15/202 in special is considered good but i prefer top 5% by eoy =)
ahhhh we shall wait till then.
i need some laughter.
everything seems soo screwed.
&still trying to find a happy ending
got selected for the stupid short film competition.
didnt intend to join. so we gave the job of writing plot to zd.
he was the only who did. and heard his plot very lousy.
so me and wenxuan tot sure wont get selected
but but but. walaoo
in the end=.=
ms rani wrote on the board Xi... i tot xinzhi grp
in the end is my group.
i broke down. its just so sudden.
tears flow. cant really explain.
i got to do this comp with zd. wth.
everyone pity me leh.
so suay!
yijun say: wa qianyi, u like receive golden horse award like that leh. =.=
please lor. grrrrrrr.
i really hate it man.waste of time.
plus i duno wad he wrote for plot. some lame stuffs.
makes me worry so much nowwwwwwwwwww
i dun wanna join but i scared ms rani force.
kueirong grp also selected. haiiz
i really dun intend to do. such a lousy plot plus with zd=.=
kill me man!
haiizzzzzzz. lost interest for ss ever since ms T taught our class.
there goes my A for ss D:
omg spa darn scary.
my mind was blank when i saw the paper.
luckily i finished in time.
and and and i got to bring more clothes for sec3 camp than i brought for the trip to beijing=.=
the resort looks nice. i wanna go swimming there.
they say can bring swim wear. but no one wants to swim, so i can just forget bout it D:
tabletennis was okay.
we got lesser tables than usual cos dance used our space.
played played played
got scolded! wth.
for laughing to much. =.=
he say must learn to control.
captain must set good example=.=
wadever lor haha.
but but but really cant help but to laugh, sometimes.
cos very very funny.
recently feeling very emo.
i seriously think im emotionally unstable.
i can laugh so much in class, totally diff from before.
then i cry more easily.
got sudden carving for chocs recently too haha.
so many things happening.
homework piling up.
my holidays are screwed!!!
haiiz. hope to chiong finish geog and maths by this week.
holiday homework i HATE most! is english=(
2 book reviews
essay competition
new seven wonders presentation
that stupidddd grrr film comp which i dun intend to do, HOPEFULLY
soooooooooo much lah. want my life sehx.
CIAO, dinner time.
&still trying to find a happy ending
got back 4 papers so far.
a , e maths, bio and physics.
quite satisfied bah, i would say :D
tmr getting back chem and english=(
i think my languages SUCK.
always pull down my marks =(((
haiiz haiiz haiiz.
very sleepy nowadays. also dunno why.
had cca today.
went for 2 hours only.
then went to see doc. cos of my eye.
saw 205 vs teachers soccer match.
guys, its just a game. haha. and its against TEACHERS haha.
so doesnt matter. haha
the doc say my eye.......
ewwwwwwwwww better not say. quite gross=/
hope it recovers before 1 week.
PRAYERS people! hee (:
was like early lah. clinic opens at 6pm only
went into the room for only like 5min? or less lol
then home.
darn pissed just now.
rawr. make my eye even more pain.
why does biasness even exist in this world lah.
wont it be nice if everything is FAIR?
napfa test tomorrow and my leg muscle is pain!
haiiz. how to do sit and reach siaz.
i hate that manz.
must must must get a for that. then aim for full marks
cos last yr full marks.
jiayou all sec3 for napfa! :D
i duno what else to say. haiz.
quite moody.
bye then
&still trying to find a happy ending
HAPPY MOTHERS' DAAAAAAYYYYY!had tabletennis comp today.
though i lost, im happy! :D haha
my mum went with me.
she plays tabletennis too.
when i was in primary 6, i joined tt.
i played with mr sim, one of the chinese teacher in charge of tt.
that time, i played like sh!t. haha.
very very lousy.
just hit the ball and stuffs.
today, my mum saw me play for the first time since p6.
she was glad and amazed i IMPROVED!
she didnt give me pressure, but told me it was just an experience.
she said i could have won, if not for the few wasted balls on service.
stayed to watch the other nanhua people.
all lost though.
then went to toa payoh hub with mum, to shop ;D
saw guitars. i think 2nd hand.
then mum say, want to buy, go those music shop like yamaha.
does that means she allow?! haha
i'm waiting for a guitarrrrrrrr!
and and and as i saw alot of crumpler bags today,
i asked my mum which colour was nice.
she said green isnt, red is okay.
i told her fangyu say red dun suit me but brown with orange does.
then she say must depend.
actually she say crumpler isnt very nice.
but but but she say if i like i can buy.
though she did say ITS EXXXXXXXXXXXXXX!
she say holiday then go see.
then went shopping for clothes.
mum bought 2blouse. i saw dress, maybe wait for yuan and jiayu then go tgt buy.
wanted to buy shorts but mum say it doesnt look nice.
she bought me a beaded belt. but she wants me to share haha
had lunch at delifrance. shared pasta with her.
then home.
tuition was =.=
ms lee didnt come cos she had fever.
replacement teacher was wierd?
haha. class was noisy as usual.
kept laughing.
then they scam the teacher saying ms lee release us early for chem.
they scam her saying everyone has chem when there were only 4 people
molarity for chem.
estella didnt go!
that lazy pig! haha
went mos burger for dinner.
at first didnt wanna eat de but too hungry.
then didnt know mum made salad.
bought TCC chocolate cake for her, decorated the box and place the bookmark i made on it.
then she say she full le. maybe tmr then eat.
she was angry with my bro for not giving her anything.
then she ask me to ask my bro to pay half the price.
then my bro ask me how much, he say no money! haha
mum angry lol.
&still trying to find a happy ending
a post dedicated to a special friend:

sweet and unforgetable memories with you.our friendship started in secondary one.though we werent that close last time, we cant deny that our friendship didnt grow.
being in the same class with you was definitely a great experience.
you were always there to cheer me up, to make me happy, to make me laugh.
you were also the one who changed my attitude of life, more or less.
we did all sorts of things together, be it good or silly.
your positive thinking has helped a pessimistic person like me, though i may still be emo? haha
you are really a great friend that i will always cherish.
thanks for the times we spent together. no matter whether its happy or sad.
also, for taking care of me when we were in china.
im sure, without you, things wont be that successful.
though we may not be in the same class, im sure and confident that our friendship will not end immediately.
really touched and glad to have such friends by my side.
a promised friendship, eh?
just wanna wish you a happy 15th birthday!
all the best in whatever you do.
friends forever and love! <333>

remember the great wall of china climb?
we were the only girls to reach the highest.(considered)
&still trying to find a happy ending
THANKS MRS LIM LS, AND MY CELL!though you guys may not be reading.
but thanks for the cards and blessing.
went for confirmation service just now during the 4pm adult service.
saw mrs lim lye sim and her son who was also getting confirmed today.
she gave me a card after the service. one for me, one for her son.
then junlynn gave me a card.
she said it was from my entire cell
really thanks alot guys!
i promised to continue with my walk with God.
and to trust in Him in whatever i do.
4pm adult service, sermon was bout prayer.
had dance for all the mothers.
6pm youth service, sermon was bout FAITH!
yea, 2 corinthians 5:7
we live by faith, and not by sight.in everything that we do, trust and have faith.
by having them, we will be able to find what we are looking for.
ask, and it will be given.
seek, and u will find.
knock, and the door wil be opened to you.
i realised today is all bout having faith and pray/walk with God.
i have came across matthew 7:7 a few times today.
during word and also during the reading of devotional book.
maybe God is trying to tell me something through it eh?
dinner at havelock.
waited for 1 hour=.=
but food was okay.
at first i was in good mood but then...
haiiz. my mum dun let me go for service learning at the end of the year to cambodia.
it's not as though it's something bad.
we go there to build house for the people, teach the children english and stuffs.
its for a good cause
yet she objects to it, not letting me have a say.
she say she have the rights.
sometimes, i really dun understand her.
she wont let me go for mission trip to east timor.
not even for a school trip.
its a great experience, isnt it?
what exactly is she thinking bout.
i wanna go on mission trip, to spread God's word and love.
to tell the less fortunate kids in the world that they have a God out there.
to tell myself how fortunate i am compared to them.
but she just wont let.
i just wanna do my part as a child of God,
i wanna lay my life down at His feet, and surrender my life for His purpose that he may use me for his great plans.
all these all good things. and i will be able to learn during the process.
she keep complaining i dun help out at home,
why cant she think that, the moment i come back from the trip, i would know how fortunate i am, then i would help.
haiiz. i really really really hope to go for mission trips or service learning.
my church friends go at the age of 12 or 13, yet i haven had the chance.
how i wish my parents were as supportive as theirs, not as protective as theirs too
hopefully, God will change my mum's thinking one day.
tmr morning tabletennis comp.
hope that i wont screw up the first match.
and i haven bought anything for my mum,
cos i dun have time and money.
we shall see how tmr then.
is it true today,that when people pray,cloudless skies will break,kings and queens will shake.yes it's true, and i believe it.is it true today, that when people pray,we'll see dead men rise,and the blind set free.yes it's true, and i believe it.i'm living for you.i'm living for you.im gonna be, a history maker in this landim gonna be, a speaker of truth to all mankindim gonna standim gonna run, into your armsinto your arms again.God, is bigger than, the air i breathe,the world we'll live.God, will save the day,and all will say,my glorious.
&still trying to find a happy ending
YAY! yuan sent the neos le.
but not other pictures. never mind haha.

so love these neoprints.
dun intend to post the 1st one cos it's weird. haha
alethea says she's not going for tabletennis comp anymore D:
her parents say no purpose. haiiz
anyway, i will try my best tmr though its kinda diff to win haha.
my room is in a MESSSSSSSSSSS!
haha how how how.
all mid years fault lah.
so many textbooks at home now then no space so all on the floor haha
i have to pack my room but i normally do that during holidays
hmm. see how bah.
went lunch just now.
then home. have to go church later
confirmation service which i missed twice.
once cos of NDP , the other cos of beijing trip last year.
today only me cos all the others all confirmed le.
have to miss cell again cos of that.
i think its really time for me to continue with my walk with god.its been drifting ever since mid years cos i was lazy=/i think yea, i have to go. CIAO :D
&still trying to find a happy ending
FANGYU, HOPE U ENJOYED TODAY!woke up kinda early. was playing handphone game. sims2. haha
yuan make me addicted to handphone games le!
trained down to bugis and met them.
exchanged sandals with fangyu cos ours is the same type but diff design.
went around walk walk walk
then went bugis village to look for bags and clothes.
too early, in the end we didnt buy anything haha
lunch-ed. gave fangyu her present.
i dun wanna do council duty for cultural potpourri! i wanna go with yuan and jiayu.
they wanna wear dress, i also want but got duty so cant.
anyway, as ferny had dance, she had to leave early.
so we went to take neoprints.
kanna scammed! not nice de!
sorry ferny, next time, maybe june, we go orchard take again kays?
then send her to mrt station.
saw weijie jingjing they all.
saw estella and jasline and lots of nanhua people.
on the mrt keep taking pics with jiayu haha
haha. first time we did was to buy tickets for the movie.
went cine. there wasnt 4sits in a row. so had to separate.
me and fangyu sit. yuan and jiayu sit.
had bout 1 hour plus. so we walked round then went hereen.
this time it was great. so much better than at bugis.
walked round, went to 77th street to see crumpler bag.
yuan and fangyu say the brown with orange one suit me rather than red.
but they dun have it there.
saw alot of clothes very nice but didnt bring enough money.
went back cine and shopped. saw joel and company.
the movie was GREAT lah!
haha I CRIED! super touching and sad.
the girl did so much for the guy but he didnt realised.
tears keep flowing haha.
they all say i emo=/
but i admit haha.
whoots! table hockeeeeeeeeyyyyyyyy :D
fangyu and i are pro!
the birds won the pigs! haha
we laughed and screamed.
i played daytona too.
12/40 :D
dinner. i ate korean bimbimbab (duno how to spell)
then went home.
then then then suddenly i realised...
called them so many times then didnt pick up.
but luckily in the end changed back.
really had lots of fun with them.
they really brighten up my life with all their laughters.
thank God for such great friends!
will upload the pictures when yuan send to me.
how i wish my dad let me install the cable. sigh
yuan, fangyu, jiayu and ferny! thanks, and love<3>fangyu: thanks for the treat on ice-cream. hope you enjoyed the birthday outing we planned. though some things didnt carry out smoothly as we planned. haha. next time outing again kays?
&still trying to find a happy ending

05 jiayu 04 qianyi
thanks jiayu for making!<3>
&still trying to find a happy ending

infraPOGY! <3>
&still trying to find a happy ending
went tuition in the morning.
but i was half an hour late=/ couldnt wake up haha
had lunch at yew tee.
ohmy! i experienced a weird thing today lah.
was walking then suddenly this lady came to talk to me.
she ask me not to be angry. then she said something.
i couldnt hear properly then she reapeat.
she ask me go read some religion thing?
then she ran away.
i mean like okay lah. but why say dun be angry?
it can be some evanglelism thing.
but who cares.
MY GOD IS GREATER THAN ANY :Dthen walk here and there.
wanted to go back bukit merah cut hair but not enough time.
went clementi super early
walked round while waiting for alethea.
i was like some idiot walking to and fro haha.
went to staff room to look for teachers.
super bored. so walked round the second level 2 times haha.
then tabletennis.
after training went to cut hair.
thinner le but i find it abit weird haha
not used to it.
im like so pissed now.
my dad dun let me install the cable for the handphone.
cos my com in room abit lag. so i wanted to install on the outside com
dad dun let.
its like got a good hp yet i cant transfer my things.
so unfair lah. my bro can install games on the outside com then i wanna install cable cannot
super angry.
i wanna upload pictures to coooooommmmmmm D:
haiiz haiiz haiiz.
conference call with yuan fangyu and ferny.
going orchard tommorrow.
bugis first, then orchard!
&still trying to find a happy ending
FINALLY! EXAMS ARE OVEEEEEEEER! YAYEE :D have been mugging like mad these few days of examination.it isnt easy, really. everyday studying hours and hours of the same or rather similar content. sometimes your eyes just stare at the sea of words yet nothing gets into the brain as the mind is thinking 'bout other things.
it's really tough for me. it has been a routine sleeping at 2am or even 3am.
i think it's really gone case for social studies.
english also. i dont understand.
chinese close dead. too chim.
physics and geog. NO TIME!
maths, careless=(
anyway, after exam, cheers! haha.
at first alot of people going iceskating but after that only 7 people.
last minute became bout 11people?
went for lunch. i will never buy the baked rice again.
2times, the same thing happen. yucks.
took neoprints with the girls and pics in the toilet haha.
skating was abit boring today. it just didnt seem like before.
but its still okay lah. very little people and i didnt fall! haha
though i grapped a person's jacket cause that small little guy stick out his leg in front of me=.=
joked and joked.
neoprints again! haha this time with amanda yumlum jasmine and xinyun.
went jurong point. the guys plus some girls went to watch spiderman 3 while me and yuan went to look for present.
yang came along with us too.
saw jessica jasline and ferny.
couldnt find the present. so we ended up looking for our own things haha.
basically me and yuan went around looking for bags.
i wanna get a bagpack but it cant be used when i go out. as in it looks weird.
so i wanna get a sling bag which can be used as a school bag.
haven decide to get crumpler or those kinda nike rectangular bag.
crumpler is like too common D:
then me and yuan were super hungry so we had our dinner at kfc.
yang watched us eat cos she has dinner at home.
talked laugh and gossip haha
i went to tiong to look for the present.
super lucky lah. i saw the metal grill like half closed so i went in to ask if they have closed.
they were going for a dinner and had to close early.but but but i managed to get the present!
mum called and scolded me for going home so late.
but it was only 8.30pm lah!
tommorrow, there's tuition in the morning and then training in school.
i wasnt supposed to go school but yet i have to.
no choice, tabletennis comp on sunday.
i haven done alot of things.
yea, ALOT.
recently, because of exams, i haven been doing quiet time. yes, kinda guilty and its like i can feel the distance between me and god.but i know his love is forever the same.
&still trying to find a happy ending