today just kinda normal.
just that we plus a few other classes, had a separate assembly
cause of the 90th anniversary dinner.
0.00% lol.
so the persuasive assembly started.
i duno if it changed anyone's mind.
i wanna go for the dinner, but i cant.
already booked harrypotter movie tickets.
plus there may be a combined birthday celebration for me and my a few hours older cousin.
edmund ng asked me to be usher on that day, but i had to turn down.
so, went central with fangyu after sch.
she accompanied me to mac to buy lunch.
met mum, taxi-ed to NUH
taxi driver suck. purposely act duno the way, turn here and there.
super obvious he acting.
last time taxi $4+
today $5+
its like clementi to NUH so near but so ex.
somemore he drive until i wanted to vomit=.=
then physotherapy.
first, had 2kg weights on my ankle. then had to lift my leg up for 40times? both legs
then, did this erm i duno called wad machine thingy.
have to use lower part of the leg to push the thing down, 40times.
then, cycled 5min. i cycled 1.6km lol
lastly, trackmill (how ever u spell it)
10min jogging plus 5min cool down.
after i came down, i could feel myself floating.
but luckily therapist say i dun need to go back already.
just need to do my sports to monitor my knee. see if its pain
last night was a night i cried many things happening.sort of argued with parents over some things.sometimes i feel that i dun have much freedom, they are over protective.when i prayed bout the things, tears just keep flowing.wanna thank jiayu and adwin, for lending a listening ear :Dfeeling much much better today.going to bathe,then maths! tmr test.
wish me luck lol. i hope i dun make silly mistakes=/
&still trying to find a happy ending
had english presentation today.
okay lah. haha. damn suay, 2nd group to present.
maths, new topic
linear law :D
learnt in tuition le. all graphs...
after school, protem interview.
i told the exco i dun wanna be in protem.
cos i already have a position in cca.
then they were like shocked haha.
a few others oso, opt out.
so the remaining time in the room, they asked me some questions
but it wasnt the same as those interviewing for protem.
kahswee was like:
so, since u dun wanna be in protem, let me ask u blah blah blah haha
then the conversation damn funny.
they ask which role u wanna be if u get into exco.
alot of ppl chose the same. i said publicity.which alot of ppl didnt choose.
kahswee: you can draw meh?
enna and si ian and others: of course she can lah!
then everyone laughed lol. cos i drew the signages for the openhse. the you know hand pointing direction...with shading that one. yea haha.
i prefer real life drawing to cartoon though=/
everyone's like asking me why i dun wanna be protem.
i duno, but i m not sure if i can cope.
not only in studies, but also mentally and emotionally.
after everything, went to meet ms watson for teachers' day planning.
saw si ian in canteen, chatted.
he say i shouldn't opt out. cause i stand a high chance.
but still, i think its better that i dun get into protem?
actually, i really duno.haiiz.
i duno if i made the correct's like the opportunity is given to me but i turned it down.
i hope i dun regret. maybe, it might be a blessing in disguise.
maybe, i should concentrate on my studies.
or else my mum will grumble bout my english again=.=
off to do linear law hw. then revision for friday's maths test.
argh, i still have the ecology scrapbook thingy D:
and and and planning for teachers' day. proposal by next next week.
have to think of creative and fun activities, like so diff?
but true, every year same old thing very sian. but this year like no time.
& i saw glenn pan on teevee! haha. one of my church pastor, buying ring for his gf.cos i think they were doing some news bout the increase in gst then alot of ppl buy rings or wad before 1st july.
physotheraphy tomorrow.
i hope i really really don't regret.
i don't know, in which should i put my commitment into.
&still trying to find a happy ending
i got a new pair of sportshoes on sunday.
cause mine spoiled.yea.
mum say i spent alot of money.
which i agree. haha.
she says if i wanna buy guitar, i have to use my own money.
everyone says im darker!
though i dun really think so but nvm.
okay, so yes, it's a new term.
and hell.
somemore LLF didnt come to sch for days.
i guess. haha these 2 days, i nv bring books to sch or bring home lol.
all in locker. bag super light.
then lessons time super sian then very tired=/
totally no mood.
or maybe something's troubling/occupying my mind D:oh ya, last time i so badly wanted to go summer camp
so agitated tat the
enunch guy went to let another person go instead of me.
but now, there are extra places, yuan they all encourage me to go
but i dun feel like going.
i mean, yah duno leh. will have to miss 1 week of lessons
that's like totally no way for me lah.
once i cant cope, i will get damn emo -.o
smsed my mum.
she say:
i think you should not go.
but everyone says it's good for port folio.
cos theres interaction between overseas ppl, train leadership all those.
once in a life time.
but even if i feel like going now, no use. my mum sure dun let.
nvm i shall just forget bout this thing.
makes me so worried?
wednesdays' dismissal are half an hour later D:
i shall go slack now. then homework plus revision of maths test on friday.
then damn. 7wonders presentation tmr. not completely done yet.
i just need someone to be there D:
&still trying to find a happy ending
&still trying to find a happy ending
BACK FROM CAMPoverall, it's okay lah.
brief description:
-leadership people had to sleep in tents while other groups sleep in air con room
-i got stung by some unknown thing on the first day=/
-the food at eagle ranch had lots of housefly=.=
-i did abseiling, canoeing, archery, waterrafting and obstacles.
-water rafting was fun
-councilors are sort of useless in the camp cos we duno how to tie knots=.=
-camp fire was boring
-our trainer, andrew/ split personality anthony, was supeeer lame and funny!
-boon bin is as lame/more lame than chaypioh
(i was like=.= all the while haha)
-built traps
-went to the beach to dig shellfish for dinner
(after a long time since sec1 homeecons)
(totally rocks)
-air con was super cold though it was 25.
-room mates were funnnnnn.
(likhoon, seokpeng and hinfeng)
-had party in the room
-went to boys room to talk
-cherngyew and kuanyuan came our room and we watched ghost show
(they were the ones who were scared , i was laughing lol)
-the girls tied their hair while they were slping
-heard tat they turn the air con to 10
(no wonder i came out, my knees were like frozen) -there was this healing service at the hotel too.
( i think its a retreat, my saviours church, tat's what i saw. when we were having debrief, they were having worship, and i started singing in my heart haha. )-cip at salvation army boy's home
(a christian home for the kids, when i step into the house, they were listening to christian songs and i could feel the presence of the holy spirit. i started singing softly too)
-went shopping at a mall
-bought estella her present
-gave her during dinner, damn random haha
-d paradise had lotssss of fruits
-mini malaysia...eewww
(while buying a necklace, i got bitten by mosquitoes more than 15times)
-on the bus, gossipped with xinyu, kueirong and boonbin
(walaooooooooooooo, hurhur.)
-we watched movies on the bus.
-we had lame jokes and IQ questions
-the journey back to singapore was so short D:
i miss the hotel! now i miss malaysia. abit haha
no pics cos i didnt bring cam or hp.
will upload some when xinyu sends me online.
yst, went for cip at orchard.
its okay lah.
gave out anti drug things like book marks wristband...
went to watch fantastic four.
then church.
worship was great!
off to do tuition hw. then BIO D:
later going to buy sports shoes :D
i hope my mum keeps her promise
cause you hold my world, in the palms of your hands
and i'm yours, forever.
&still trying to find a happy ending
these few days just so suck.
i haven't pack finish for camp and i still have things to buy.
been staying up late these few days.
on the phone with jiayu till 12plus.
teaching her maths.
causing me not to finish my tuition hw. haha
but nvm, ms lee wont scold,
i hope=/
have to wake up super early tmr
must report to school at 6.15am
hope the camp is gonna be fun and not waste my 1week.
lastly, please pray for safety journey people :D
malaysia's flooding, plus birdflu.
my auntie say on the highway we can see villages being flooded
not that i didnt see before=/
yea, but yah, must pray! haha
nowadays my walk with God isn't good D:i just have a weird feeling.or is it just guilty.
&still trying to find a happy ending
I LOVE MY MAMA ;Dshe bought a dress for me. haha
though it's not as formal as the one i bought for cultural pot,
i like it more than that.
and she spent the whole afternoon waiting in the hospital with me
i realised i spent alot of money this year D:
or rather, for the past few years.
or even, my whole life =/
went NUH for knee appointment.
prof hui say my knee muscles weak
need to go for physiotherapy
went for the first physio today.
therapist taught me some exercise to do at home.
i need a 2kg ankle weights=.=
i tried doing a few there, my whole leg didnt have strenght.
like keep trembling=/ haha
next session should be on friday, but will be in malaysia.
changed to 28june. cant go for tabletennis tat day.
and gosh. i realised i got scammmmmmm.
for yearrssssss. D:
actually i suspected but..
years ago, fractured/broke small part of my left elbow.
then supposed to go for operation.
they pushed me into the operating room.
i remember!
kinda scary thinking back.
then i thought wow. so good no scar.
then now i realised.
they didnt operate=.=
and they charge my dad $2000plusssssss.
just for going into the room
my knee. prof hui suspected it was meniscus tear.
i complained pain.
went for the MRI scan
to realised there was nothing wrong.
just some swelling inside. and excessive liquid compared to normal people.
waste my money lah.
i only realised today. i tot all along it was meniscus tear=.=
then now, physio.
but at least i'm okay.
at least my elbow healed 100%
THANK GOD MANX!last time professional docs say
my arm wont heal completely
as in cant bend straight.
but now, im healed :)
but nevermind i think. health more important than money
I FINISHED MY HOMEWORKYESTERDAY!though i left half of the 7wonders project.
and maths tuition homework.
going back school tmr.
council meeting.sian.
packing for camp later on, i think.
or should i relax? haha
&still trying to find a happy ending
I'M A GOOD GIRL TODAY :Di packed my room and cupboard.
took like hours.
vacuum-ed the house.
with vacuum cleaner that is for the car=.=
super dusty, those areas i seldom touch. thick layer of dust=/ it's clean.
but though i was a good girl today,
i didnt do my inspiration essay
i left with that homework.
and the 7wonders project, halfway done.
think i will stay up to do, hopefully able to finish.
cherngyew send me a video.
super touching. will post when my room com dun lag.
and ohya, I GOT MY NEW
i didnt change spects, just the lens.
that few days with the temporary frame really suck.
like make me giddy,
but it's weird. cause its still my previous lens haha.
went back to school today,
just to put a few textbooks in the locker.
i was supposed to go jogging yesterday with mum
but woke up late.
didnt go, plus mum say better not.
cause i will be going hospital tmr for knee appointment.
i duno why. sigh
just so diff when i went to beijing.
one, no mood.
two, birdflu
three, watercity resort encountered some problems.
like wow.
but still, i have to go.
maybe, it's way diff from what i think
my church has this adventure camp at christchurch sec.
my cousin's sch.
from 13 to 16 june
rockclimbing, flyingfox...
so damn cool
but i cant go D:ohya, cherngyew warn me not to wear fbt on monday. later bus super cold.
but it's like i will only bringing fbt-s. and one sch shorts.
haha. hopefully our bags would be with us when we are on the bus.
then i can take my jacket.
don't want it down at the bottom of the bus
the bag carrier?
let nature take its course.with so many things happening, that are out of my control,
i can only leave everything in God's hands.
He has a plan for us, a purpose.
isn't it?
everything happens for a reason.
and that is His reason.
i can only
pray. haha.
i welcome prayers, people ;D
going chinese tuition early in the morning
NUH appointment after that.
gotta start packing for camp tmr too.
sat still have to go sch.
walao. siannnnnnnn.
i need inspiration for INSPIRATION D;:D
D: :/
&still trying to find a happy ending
stayed at home the whole day.
supposed to do finish chinese book review and compo today.
im still halfway through the chinese book review.
and i re-read the book i read last year=/
no choice.
there isn't time left.
plus i duno what will happen to my english book review.
the questions look soo chim.
hopefully i can finish everything by sunday, before leaving for malaysia.
everyone's like going malaysia.
elena went last week.
adwin went yesterday.
jonchua going for missiontrip on sat.
was chatting with bryan yesterday.
and he asked me.
what do i miss.
i said alot. and he ask why didnt i say everything.
he's true. haha.
i seem to miss everything.
chatted with jonchua, and he told me he missed the times our cell sit next to each other, when he could make fun of me.
and thinking of it, i really miss those times.
last time, sitting next to him, i remember that time giving him a super sour sweet.
and his expression was supeeeeeer funny lah.
haha he always make me laugh.
miss those times our cell sit next to each other, having dinner after service too.
but since this year,our cells seem to sit super far away.
and my dinner's always with parents.
chua, have a safe journey to batam for missions kays? :D
and good luck for your exams this week.
sometimes, thinking of somethings make me remember the past.i just duno if it's good or bad.i seem to be unhappy these few days D:
camp's arriving.
haven't packed.
homework undone.
tuition work stresses me even more.
ms lee gave soo much.
gotta chiong chinese book review le.
&still trying to find a happy ending
new week.
counting down to school reopen
the undone homework
went queensway with yuan fangyu jiayu and john.
to buy camp stuffs.
bought fbt.
lunch at mac.
crapped. walked round and round and round.
jiayu and john left.
went anchorpoint watson.
slept. i was supposed to finish bao zhang bao dao by today.
i haven started.
feeling kinda sad now.i duno
some unknown feeling.
youth evangelistic service :D
or D:
happy bout it. but jiayu and estella has summer camp
elena may not make it.
i need elena's help.
cause she is only one of the few who really understands how i feel bout it.
i really wanna invite friends for the service.
every year, people would just come up with diff reasons.
past few years, i couldnt bring any.
looking at the audi, almost everyone brought.
and during altar call, it really feels great and relief that non-christians accept christ on the same day. dedicating their lives, asking God to be in control.
i really hope my friends would do the same.
just dont wanna see them suffering.
who wants, right.
feeling so helpless.
can't really explain what's the feeling
maybe emptiness.
i need laughing pills D:
stress again.
one week left to do homework.
how am i supposed to finish a project, 3book reviews and 2compo?
worries, driving me mad.
&still trying to find a happy ending
training today superrrr slack.
cause i wasnt in the mood.
cheryl's extracting 2 teeth tmr for her braces.
I WANNA PUT BRACES!her tooth same like mine.
got one extra de above another one.
i intend to put after O 'level cause got oral then may affect.
AND I JUST REALISED IF I WAIT TILL THEN,THERE'LL BE THE 7% GST D:then it will be like damn ex D:
came home told my mum.
she say no choice.
does that mean she really really allow me to put?
cause sec1 that i suggested putting braces cause teeth not straight, extra tooth plus jaw alignment.
then alot of people told me not to extract that extra one, cos its unique.
but mum says its ugly, she say better to put.
then sec2 wanted to go during holidays
then no time.
in the end we say after Os.
have to wait soooooooo long D:
anqi and liting talking bout braces and extractions just now
sounds quite scary
but i guess it's necessary for nice teeth haha.
went mac after training.ate fries though i got sorethroat.cause i was abit hungry.then drank bubble tea.there's physics lesson tmr.then maybe going see doctor.i gotta pray hard for so many things this camp.D:
&still trying to find a happy ending
so what 'bout sec3 camp now?
sian. gonna pray damn hard now.
that God would protect all sec3s going malaysia next next week.
that we'll be save and healthy and even enjoy the camp,
without worrying bout the situation there,
cause he has them all in control.
I THINK I HAVE TO BUILD UP MY IMMUNE SYSTEM NOW D:breathing is still a difficulty for me.
and i cant taste anything.
my ears seem to fail me too.
throat, grr.
my immune system this year is totally...haiiz sad case.
been seeing the doctor bout 4 times this year already.
and i need self-control!
beening blogging and msning alot recently.
everyday after tabletennis, i would just on the com.
leaving homework undone.
maybe, i will not blog for the next few days.
i need to clear that addiction=/
today's just a normal day, or even more boring.
training was okay. laughed as usual.
the last match with that nanhuapri guy was funnnnnn.
ran here and there. haha
and the coach keeps pairing me up to play doubles.
i want singles
arh, anything will do.
hopefully i can even get to play, cause there will be so many sec3 and 4s next year for B div'
anyway, off to do chinese tuition hw. then maths
which i hope i can even get started on it.
tmr's tuition plus training.
everyday's filled with tiring activities.
prayers people! for safe journey to and fro malaysia from 18-22june.
&still trying to find a happy ending

taken this a long long time ago.
i still prefer this dress to the one i bought.
but no choice, jiayu dun let me buy
cause she has it D:
mum wants me to pack my room today,
cause grandma coming over during the weekends.
that means, i have to sleep on the floor=/
went for training today.
was early. cos the bus came early.
training was okay.
alot of primary school students came.
they are quite good.
pt, 30 pushup.
super slack.
on the way out, was walking walking.
then the basketball coach was lecturing the basketballers.
his actions supeeer funny haha.
we heard him saying wad.
in chinese lah. short ball, long ball.
then his actions like play tabletennis like tat?
my friend say de.
then they started laughing.
the coach looked at us and sort of joked.
then the entire basketball team looked at us.
everyone started laughing.
then their coach say.
woah, all the girls looking and laughing at you all.
went home. mum made so drink for my throat.
yay, dad got the duno what sony adaptor.
i can transfer my pics le. but only to the outside com.
then outside com dun have msn.
so have to transfer to thumbdrive then transfer to the com in my room with msn.
sooooooooo troublesome!
but anyway, at least can transfer haha.
but duno why, today's kinda moody?
i feel abit sadd
i'm supposed to do homework nowww.
tmr got maths from 8-10am.
training in the afternoon.
what to do during the time in between...
off to do bio 10year series.
&still trying to find a happy ending
HOLIDAY HOMEWOOOOOOOOOORK D:1. 2 english book reviewdamn, i haven't read a single'll take me yearsss.
2. new seven wonders time and don't where to do.
3. composition on inspirationsorry, no inspiration =.=
4. short film competitionnot gonna do with that person.
5. 14 bao zhang bao dao questions and answer6. composition :bao zhang bao daoargh, my bao zhang bao dao sucks!
7. chinese book reviewhaven't read the book. how am i supposed to read 3 books in 2weeks when i take months or years to read one book D:
8. e maths homework from textbook9. alternate segment questions10. A and E maths holiday homework11. chemistry 2005 common test paper 12. physics worksheetpandian haven't teach finish.
13. biology questions on different topicsso muuucccchhhhhhh D:
14. ten year series.15. geography workbookTUITION HOMEWORKKK D:by this week.
16. a maths revision worksheet oneeeeeeee page long17. coordinate geom worksheet18. rewrite chinese compo onto another paper.WALAOOOOO. SO MUCH!
what kinda holidays?
one week and a few days past, and I'M NOT ENJOYING IT AT ALL!
hurhurr. but no choice.
have to chiong le =(
what a bad bad holiday
&still trying to find a happy ending
I BOUGHT MY CRUMPLER!in the end, i decided on the olive green plus red.
the orange one isnt outstanding enough.
purple is out of stock.
at first i wanted the red strips
but mum say that one very common so not unique.
she say, it's better to buy one that very little people have since i paid sooooo much for it.
so yea, bought hoax limited edition olive green crumpler.
when i walked into the shop, no one was looking at the limited edition olive hoax but once i tried carrying it, everyone looked at me lah. haha
mum said they were eyeing on my bag.
if i put down, they will surely take.
plus there was only one piece left!
limited edition mah. haha
quite satisfied though i still prefer the red one.

yup, then went to have lunch at delifrance.
yesterday was really a happy happy day.
until i got scammed by someone on the phone=.=
super embarrassed lah.
alot of people say the orange crumpler nicer than the olive.
but i dun care le. haha
cos i think mine is quite nice.
i dun regret, i think=/
yesterday tuition supeeeeer funny! haha
cos revision of coordinate geom.
then to find the area of triangle or polygon,
supposed to use shoelace method.
all of a sudden, a SJI guy bend down and tie his shoelace.
his friend say" hey why you tying your shoelace"
someone shouted" cause he wants to find the area!"
yea, haiiz.
i'll be like so bored later.
parents watching pirates with bro,
but cant blame them though, cause i watched before le.
I'M FALLING SICK D:running nose/blocked nose
breathing difficulty=/
hopefully i get well before sec3 camp.
prayers people :D
and and and elena and her family is in malaysia.
her church's camp.
so good, my mum dun let me go.
take care girl, and come back with a heart touched by the holy spirit.
let's bring people to christ kays?
(hopefully she sees this when she comes back on 8th)
having YES3 on the 7th july 2007!
youth evangelistic service.
FROM ZERO TO HEROOOOOOO!bet it's gonna be soo cool with worship, dance and drama.
gonna pray supeeeeeer hard,
hopefully the people i am going to invite would come.
would come to know God, and His wonderful works.
&still trying to find a happy ending
suddenly felt like blogging.
i just remembered,
yesterday, i saw a piece of paper.
is bout edusave.
my account only left with a pathetic 25bucks D:really very shocking manx.
other people got $900+ or at least 100.
cant be because i went beijing.
or rather not all the fault is on it.
cause vivian oso went then her account got 100plus.
yucks. so little money left haha.
next time have to pay cash.
D:school's asking for too much moneeeey=/going orchard earlier see my crumpler.hee :Djust now ask mum which colour.she say she like cool colours so she chose olive green for the hoax design.i prefer hot now, i duno whether to choose hoax design olive, blue or purple.or the barney rustle (alot of lines that one) red.shall go see first mum say why not look at chrome.the sling bag with a buckle like safety belt.but more boyish. my bro has not buying that.and and and YAY!i like my maths tuition teacher :Dshe rocks!funny funny funny.just now msn with her.super funny.she started the conver by saying she bought me jellybeans from candy empire i thinkthen she ask me what voucher i want.borders or kino.i was like huh?she say she giving to all her students who got A1 or A2 for a maths!whoots! hahathat time she gave me chocs.and she kept complaining bout a parent of her student.haha.i'm happy today, i hope it's the entire day! hahagoing out with yuan and fangyu they all on the 3rd week. to buy more fbts and camp stuffs.i realised my fila buy not big enough ( that's what fangyu said)but i cant buy bag le.neither am i bringing my i shall think of a way then.from tmr onwards,training everydayEVERYDAY!ohmygosh. will be like super duper tired.this whole week is like supeeeeeeer busy.maths lessons on 4th and 6th.physics lesson on gotta go do tuition work le.a maths coordinate geom.forgot what ms lee taught le. she's gonna kill me, or maybe just scold and laugh at the same time.
&still trying to find a happy ending
woke up super early today, for a holiday i mean.
went to school for cip for the oratory comp.
tot we were ushers but in the end we werent.
did almost everything. haha
paste papers round the school, photocpoy stuffs, shift things carry things etc.
did time keeping for the comp.
was kinda boring.
oh oh and i saw this hwachong international guy who is quite handsome.
he doesnt look like a chinese, more like a mixed blood.
we were eager to hear his voice.
but kinda disappointed. haha
maybe he is really a mixed blood=/
lunch was okay lah.only like the chilli haha
then followed ms loy round the school to do things.
kinda tired. but at least better than sitting in the room holding the stopwatch haha
ms loy is funny today! haha
and i keep laughing.
tea break was better.
me and yanchng were crazy over the chocolate eclair (however u spell it)
it rocks haha.
then kueirong... haha. funny.
he saw me yanchng and qihui eating it and like praising how good it is,
he ate a mouth and said it wasnt very nice.
so me and yanchng were like trying to snatch his.
and he ran away haha
obviously, he was lying. haha
then saw ms loy.
she ask qihui to take the food for her.
so we told her the choc eclair was super nice.
she dun believe and say take 2 for her only.
me and yanchng were like
" ms loy, take more! we know u will want more. its very very nice!"
" you all very mean leh"
me and yanchng were like laughing laughing.
when we came back, she told us it was very nice! haha
we got good taste, right yanchng? haha!
did lots of work today.
at first i tot of leaving early, cos of cell.
but i stayed on. so i missed cell.
it actually ended at 3. then we helped ms loy.
till 5pm! so she gave us 1more hour of cip.
altogether 7.5hours for today.
all in all, it was fun and TIRING!
i don't like my camp grouping for bus.
im in bus 2.
im the only girl from 303.
i duno alot of people from that bus.
fangyu is not in the same bus as me.
without her, my life is like meaningless? haha
i dun have my best friends with me during the stupid camp
i think im going to die of boredom for that 5days=/
so many guys in my bus, mostly ncc and bb.
i wanna change to bus 3! but cant D:
bus 3 got elena fangyu bryan huizhen ALOT ALOT ALOT OF 205 AND COUNCIL PEOPLE.
like i know half or more of the people on that bus.
but in bus 2=.= i think less than 10.
and yucks! im in the same group as some ppl...
i seriously hope the smaller groups are together with people from other bus.
i will die with... eew. haha
never mind, i shall bear with it for 5 days D:
i hope. or am i just deceiving myself=/
but i think its gonna take my life sigh.
im sad, and scared. cause i duno those people.
sounds ridiculous but it's what i feel.
feeling so heavy now. like so many things in my mind and heart.
but guess it's God's plan for me?
maybe He wants me to interact. haha
went church after having a drink at mac.
only made it for service.
saw my parents and heard my cousins went church too!
tot we could have dinner together
but they went changi WITHOUT me.
so i had to have dinner on my own.
sermon bout FAITH!
watched a video clip on indina jones (duno how to spell)
bout faith. haha.
you will see the path, if you step out.
maybe that's what God is trying to tell me.
cause i dun like my camp group now.
maybe He wants to tell me, by having faith, stepping out of what im in now, i will find greater things.
like instead of always being with my class or other friends,
maybe he puts me in a bus with sooooooooo little ppl i know,
then he wants me to make new friends haha
maybe, i will see God's path in my life, if i take that step of faith.
that leap of faith :D
maybe, it's a blessing in disguise.
&still trying to find a happy ending
not happy at all D:
mum promised me she would buy me a crumpler.
but she dun bother helping me choose.
dun even want to look.
but she is busy looking through the catalouge for video cam.
biased. yuck!
my bro want video cam she help him find.
i said i want crumpler so long le but she dun help.
grr. suddenly remembered.
last week mum said we can go buy my crumpler this sunday.
like wow. now i realised.
that she is going to go expo computer fair to buy video cam.
broken promises D:
&still trying to find a happy ending
new day of the month
haiiz. time past so fast.
went tuition in the morning
then waited at je mrt for jiayu and yuan for like half hour?
jiayu say she would be late, so me and yuan went orchard first.
walked round.
then went crumpler shop.
im really confused which i should get.
which crumpler should i choose?

or you can help me choose one! haha :D
i need opinionssssssss.
plus i duno whether to get small or medium size bag.
my bro ask me get big=.=
http://www.crumplerbags.comthen click messenger bag. there will be lots of choices with different colours.
tell me by the tagboard. hee.
was supposed to go borders to buy pencil case.
then realised it wasnt nice. so only jiayu bought.
yuan realised that she wasted her time going all the way there.
then she say she like my brown pencil case
so we took shuttle bus to great world city.
stayed in the shop for like a zillionnnnnnnn years. haha
bought black rubberband cos mine are loose.
then then then time to go home haha.
i was troubled.
i duno if i should walk home ( cause my house is supeeeeeer near)
or to take bus and send yuan to mrt.
cause i scared she duno the way.
in the end, hahahah
i decided. i was a good friend kay. haha
i took bus with her all the way to queenstown mrt,
then i took bus back.
my card left with $1.50 or less=/
haha nvm.
my bro gets to get a video cam D:
its supposed to be shared among the family.
but always he use onee.
so ex somemore walaooo.
hmph =(
tomorrow's some oratory competition.
i got to be in school by 7.30am
and im a good girl cause i washed my shoes just now haha
hopefully it dries by tmr morning,
or im dead=/
dinner time, though im not hungry. but nvm.
&still trying to find a happy ending