HAPPY BIRTHDAYYYYYY! TO ME :DJULY BABIES:10th: jingru, melodie and weijie11th: leon12th: audrey13th: zhaoming14th: jiawei and aaron15th: MEEEEE and xinhui16th: vanessa and weijiang22th: melvin29th: sharmainelunch with parents and grandma at delifrance
totally rock! :D
food was nice and i like the hot chocolate fudge brownie with icecream!
walked around suntec, wanted to get a top from mango but didnt find the one i want.
wasnt as nice as the previous few.
COMBINED BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION!!!went woodlands, cousin's house.
lots of people.
haha. catered food was quite nice and the cake!
4kg cake with aaron and my name=)
talked laughed. fun!
though i dun really know my cousin's cousins but yea. haha
will upload pics soon.
received more money than chinese new year lol!
can get guitar soon whoots haha.
this year's birthday quite a memorable one.
though there are alot of hw and tests
which wont let me be able to have time to do finsih or prepare.
still remember last year it was the pri5 viewing of ndp then 205`o6 sang birthday songs for me and weijiang.
those ndp days were really memorable.
though it was tiring but fun!
i wanna go ndp`07 =(
looks cool this year.haha
hmm back to do chinese compo le.
CIAO <3>
sorry, for making you sadbut thanks for the things you've done.
&still trying to find a happy ending
haven been updating blog.
really busy nowadays. so cant update as often.
so yea, oral is over and its screwed!
the question so hard ok maybe its okay.
but i was too scared and nervous.
listening compre next monday, hope it goes well.
summer camp's over.
and alot of people's still in the mood haha
didnt reconsider bout the protem thing.
so yes, exco is going to be selected haha.
my mind's kinda distracted recently.
everything that the teacher says just doesnt get into my brain.
guess i have been thinking bout some things...
today's spa...
kinda scary. lol
cos ask to find the acceleration due to gravity.
so the actual ans is 9.8 or ppl use 10.0
so do do do, then i calculated 2000+
wth scare me lol
so i check then i realised i didnt square.
so redo. took new graph paper from peh.
he stare at me cos only left 10min.
So continue...
then i got 1000+
i tot it was wrong.
then later i realised must convert back to m
so in the end my answer is 10.0 =)
but who cares. i mean this time spa only test on scale 1 observation.
what im afraid is that peh grade me when i do wrongly not when i do correctly haha
so after school, went to mrt station with ferny and her dance mates.
sat down and talked to ferny.
saw 2 pri sch frens today.
haha they still recognise me!
i tot they dun cos i changed alot since pri6 haha
070707YES 3 !
before that was prayer walk.
kinda disappointed that alot of youths just go there for food and games.
some dun even read the free manga bout the story of matthew.
i wan the manga oso cant take lor=(
anyway, ya. walked round the church the funfair and hawker 7times, prayer for people to come and know christ.
then had small cell dinner.
praise and worship totally rock.
and and and drama! cool man haha
john should have went.
i was laughing and laughing
all the different superheros from diff comic
then they had identity crisis.
joseph's laughter was super obvious. haha
then pastor jennifer preach and alot of ppl came to know christ that day.
edric's fren is cute and funny haha.
pity john didnt go.
and yes! saw jon chua! haha after soo long.
still miss the times our cell sit tgt.
super surprised he came to tag on my blog.
jonchua: haha SJI guys are nosiy lor. but not all though yea catch u on msn haha.
he's super funny.
me: my birthday coming *hints*
chua: hint taken * hand action*
i still owe him his present.
no training for 2 weeks.
but there is national team comp for me jess anqi cheryl and yeeteng from 1aug to 15aug
common test period=(
just realised time past so quickly.
just 3more weeks and common tests
haven studied for any test this week
but i cant go 90th =(
God, is bigger than, the air i breathe
the world we'll live.
God, will save the day,
and all will say,
my glorious.
today today its all or nothing
all the way, my praise goes out to you.
yea all the praise goes out to you.
today today i live for one thing.
to give you praise,
in everything i do.
yea all the praise goes out to you <33>
everyday, i keep thinking bout you.
&still trying to find a happy ending

credits to bryan.
who got credits from john.
so yay credits to john! haha
we stayed in these tents when in eagle ranch
somehow, i miss camp.
oral yesterday was SCREWED!
i cried for like so many times.
was super supeerrrr sad.
went to play tabletennis with presley, chaypioh and sean.
fun haha!
cp is quite good. he won me 2 matches but overall i still win :D
today's cip was okay.
wasnt as bad as we tot.
but still very little ppl.
after that, went jp walk and have dinner.
so came home, slacked.
received letter for the making of ic.
got one week they say they wont be open cos they have to do some things...
then parents keep argueing cos of it.
super irritating lah.
say they very very busy wth.
cant stand them. argh.
already so many things making me worried and stress yet...
nowadays my dad spent more time with grandma, even my mum thinks so.
dun even have time for family.
haizzzzzz i duno lahhhhh.
&still trying to find a happy ending

likhoon sent me these 2 pics :D
youth day. just suck
tuition for bout 4 hours.
im really really scared bout tmr! D:
thinking how scary it would be.
i still haven prepare. howwwwww
plus bio project is not done yet.
other ppl can do finish in like hours?
but i have been doing it like for days.
and still not done!
facing the com everyday is making me so pissed=/
my eyes get itchy easily
yesterday tuition was better than usual.
maths had only 7 ppl. without SJI guys so much quieter.
ms lee went to buy food for some of us =)
so good. haha
chem was okay. estella went for summer camp
hope they are having fun
so many things happening recently.
kinda worried for my auntie.
haiiz. dun think i wanna type out now.
but all i can do now, is pray for her.
anyway, gotta do the project le.
trying to finish by today.
&still trying to find a happy ending