But dad and mum say
NO. damn it!
Not even when I save up and buy on my own.Cause they say I've my 3.2 megapixel handphone. SOO SO SO.
I want that 8.1 megapixel, 4GB memory, 2.7" LCD touchscreen with smileshuttler cameraaaaaaaa.
Sigh.Sigh.Sigh.I bet if it's my brother, they would say okay. Walaaaooooooo.
Whyyyy. I'm always the one being bullied ._. I always dont get the things I want.
When I asked my mum for laptop, She says wait till pre u or what. urgh. and my idiotic brother gets his when he is 16. damn it.
I'M SO NOT HAPPY! LIFE'S SO UNFAIR. {It always is}rawr.
Jogging in the morning is refreshing, especially when you're jogging and the wind blows. Jogged/walked for 1hour then did some exercise and situps. Came home, breakfast {biscuits and milk, cause my dad and bro finished my cereal} Rested till 12plus then lunch.
Went NTUC for like an hour plus ._. bought my cereal and vegetables and fruits for salad.
Did some tuition homework and designed a notice for my room. Made salad for family for dinner. It's been a long time since I cut the fruits and veg. I wanna bake I wanna cook ._. hahaha.
okay, I still want my camera or laptop. any kind souls? HAHA jokin' If only I was so luckily to get that for christmas haha
{/what a nice dream eh?}25 more days to Christmas.
&still trying to find a happy ending
And so in the end, me and my mum did not go jogging cause she couldnt wake up._.
Met fangyu at clementi mrt. damn the cramps =/ Council was superrrrr slack okay. Didnt play captain ball cause I felt heavy *ahem, yes that one* Helped kiathoon to apply nail polish then training.
Training was slackish. or maybe its just me. Laksa,otah and chicken wing for dinner. fullllllzzzzzzz. {&fat, damn} hahahahha. kept laughing and laughing. Alethea's smack is WUlala. haha. HAHAHAHAHA.{inside joke} She scratched me just cause I made fun of her ._.
Mum made soup. If I knew I wouldnt have drank lime juice. I hope mum wakes up early tomorrow for jogging hee :)
I cant go for OC trial run, Sec1 registration trial run and actual one. damn! cause I'll be in Malaysia, truely Asiaaaaa :D
{my freaking nose hurts, sigh}
Bathe bathe bathe, byee.
&still trying to find a happy ending
My idiotic brother says my compo is soooo dramatic when I read to him. I guess he is just jealous! HAHA :D But I think my compo is okay but it's quite draggy. Touching :D
Went to bugis with mum to wait for aunties for dinner. Gosh, their dinner time is soooo irregular lah. Dinner today was about 9plus. Chatted and mostly, I just sat there to listen. They were talking about my uncle and some family stuffs. Food at Siam Kitchen isnt that nice. And their service sucks. Wait for sooooooooo long. But I think I ate alot today. Green Curry, Tom Yam Soup, fried fishcake/otah, kangkong.
I need to exerciseeeeeeee! It was raining today and poof! I cant go for jog. I feel fat! bleah ._.
Mum says she is going jogging tomorrow morning after what we ate for dinner LOL. She ask if I wanna go. Her jogging time is 7am while mine is ususally 6pm haha. She walk( fast) for 1hour and I jog and do some other exercise for about 40min. See the difference? haha.
Anyway, no matter what I'm going jogging with her tomorrow morning. Then come home to bathe and then go tiong mrt to get breakfast and meet Fangyu at clementi mrt at 10am ( I hope I have enough time for all these) to go to school early to get her textbooks and uniform. Council is at 11am then straight away after that is TableTennis training till 4plus if there's pt. Then it would be katong laksa with beloved monkeyyyy.
SEE! LAKSA WOULD MEANS MORE FATSS! =( no choice, I promised her. haha
Nevermind. I can always go jogging on friday again.
Pastor Victor's wedding is on the 8th of December:D Yay, cell is going together,
I think. {Crap, I just realised my holidays are somewhat screwed, especially december. Looking at my designed calender, I only have 4 free days in december. IMAGINE. FOURRRRRRR OUT OF 31? How pathetic!}
December1st: Church
2nd: tuition
3rd: Tabletennis BBQ {still deciding}
3rd-5th: Council chalet {not going but maybe BBQ}
6th: Dad's birthday and NHSB concert @ NanHua.
8th: Pastor Victor's wedding and church.
9th: tuition
10th-12th: Rhema conference @ Elena's church
11th: Tabletennis.
12th-14th: 205 Chalet {cant stayover but will be going for BBQ}
13th: Tabletennis {cant make it due to BBQ}
14th: Knee appointment @ NUH
15th: Church
16th: tuition
17th -26th: MALAYISAAAA :DD{training on 18th}
27th: Tabletennis
29th: Dad's cousin's birthday celebration and church
30th: tuition
See what I mean. It's screwed. I dont have time to study pleaseeeee.
{luckily I only left about one paragraph for my dramatic compo and I'm done with homework. But please reconsider about the loads of tuition hw and the stupid topic of plane geometry which I have difficulty understanding how to prove even after the second explanation from my super clever mensa club maths tuition teacher}Elena, if you see this, dont laugh. You were a busy November kid and now I am a busy December kid ._.I cant wait for yearendholidaytrip! I need to get away from this busy place and find a relaxing place to take a breath. {/before the reality of secondary four life starts, that is}
Okay okay, back to finish the last para. Gotta wake up at 6plus in the morning to breathe in the fresh morning air, which apparently is supposed to be good for my body but due to air pollution and stuffs. So sayonara people!
&still trying to find a happy ending
COUNCIL MEETING TOMORROW, 29th November, 11am to 1pm. Off to do finish my compo, Ciao.
&still trying to find a happy ending
Tagged by Fangyu.
1. Do this without complaints
2. Choose five people to do this
3. Tag on five people's blog to tell them they've been tagged.
FavouritesColour: ORANGE, LIMEGREEN, HOTPINKFood: I miss homecooked fooddd!
Song: Hero/heroine, Thunder, Hosanna
Movie: Depends.
Sports: Tabletennis, jogging ._.
Day of the week: Saturday i think.
Season: Winter, Autumn
Icecream: Strawberry, Green Tea, Cookie&Cream
CurrentsMood: *In a hurry*
Taste: uhm.
Clothes: shorts and shirt
Destop: default?
Time: 11.50pm
Surroundings: Im in the dining room, what do you think ._.
Annoyances: I've not done finish my compo!
FirstCrush: uhm. :D
Movie: don't remember.
Music: don't remember.
LastsCigarette: pleaseeee, I hate people who smoke cause I'm allergy smoke.
Alcohol: never tried, I think.
Car ride: this evening.
Movie: Enchanted
Phone call: Junneng; asking if I wanna go for TT BBQ
CD played: don't remember.
Have you everDated your best friends: duh. FANGYU, YUAN, FERNY, JIAYU! :D
Broken the law: uhm.
Been arrested: nope, I'm a good girl.
Skinny dipped: nah.
Been on tv: yup, NKF performance when I'm 8 yearsold.
Kissed someone you don't know: nopenope.
5 things you're wearing: {stupid question} shirt, shorts, earrings, watch, specs.
4 things you've done today: Table tennis, planned my compo, updated blog, msn
3 things you can hear right now: noise from brother's xbox360, keyboard sound, msn sound
{ where's 2?}
1 thing you do when you're bored: idk. sleep?
Pass to 5 people:
Anyone who wants to do, feel free :D
I'm lazy.
LOL Joseph's random.
joseph. says:
joseph. says:
as in
joseph. says:
my dad knows his dad from sec schl
joseph. says:
dont worry
joseph. says:
if you move to thailand
joseph. says:
ill visit your kids too
♥ QIANYI ; & Pain is God's megaphone. says:
HUH lol hahahahaTabletennis chalet is cancelled. Should I go to Junneng's house for Tabletennis BBQ? Sigh.
&still trying to find a happy ending
Show me how to love, like You've loved me;Woke up at about 9am just to open the door for my mum. Went back to sleep and woke up at 10am._. Read abit of book. Ate cereal and then went to school for table tennis.
Yanxiang came for training. Plus alot alot of pri6 pupils. The hall is super stuffy and hott. I kept sweating and sweating.
Yayness! The heater is changed. $350 siazzzz. I wanna eat western food at holland village for dinner but stupid brother wants to go chinatown. Gosh, isn't he tired of the food there.
I haven done my compo. Maybe tomorrow. Nah, is MUST!=/ haha.
Back from dinner. Food was fabulous :D means more jogging tomorrow. hee :) And my mum said something that made me happy and my brother angry LOL.
Mum: You know why your brother treat you like this? ( she means always bullying me)
Me: why!?
Mum: He is jealous of you!
Brother: Eat shit. You think she can earn more money than me?
Me: Of course. I'm cleverer than you.
Brother: You can just go collect alumimum cans to sell. You can earn $.
LOL. We shall see who earn more money. Even if I dont, I will still have more $ cause he doesnt save. He is 4 years older than me but my bank has 2times his, I think._.
from the purpose driven book
When God seems distant, it's not because He has forsaken you or left you. He is testing your faith. He wants to see whether you will trust Him in times of need. It is only by this will our faith develop.
Hebrews 13:5
God said " I will not leave you nor forsake you."
LALALA. I LOVE GOD! Ghimhwee is on mission trip and he is going to tell me everything when he is back. God will use him mightily and he is gonna be the light among the darkness.
&still trying to find a happy ending
Received a letter saying I can apply for Edusave Bursary Award but damn. I cant apply cause family income is more than $4000. Sad. Which means I cant get scholarship. Cause last year I got scholarship they didnt send me Bursary one.
Mum says just hope I can get eagles? But I dont even think that teacher sent in the form lah. sianzzzz.
Okay, dinner.
&still trying to find a happy ending
I think I'm a fool, waiting for you.Today is just plain boring. Woke up at 11plus and did some maths before eating cereal. I cant be bothered to continue thinking on how to solve the maths question anymore. Did finish factual report ( all crap cause I forgot the format) So which means I left with one compo and yes, my homework is doneeee :D
I'm gonna settle you by tomorrow,
I hope ._.Went jogging. I lost 1kg :D I hope it's true and not the weighing machine playing a fool with me =/ I wanna drop to 46kg by the end of this year. I hope,
Perseverance!Training tomorrow, and guess what. I feel like eating katong laksa LOL. Parents have not called to ask what I want for dinner yet. For the whole day, I have only eaten a bowl of cereal. And my idiotic stupid brother does not want to help me turn the tap for the heater which I cant reach and dont know how to. Which means I have to bathe with cold water. Damn the spoiled heaterrrr D: luckily dad is taking off tomorrow to get it repaired.
I think my idiotic brother sucks to the core! freak him lah. Keep grumbling and cursing and scolding my parents for going tiong bahru to buy dinner every monday when there is no good food there. HELLO IDIOTIC PERSON YOU ARE ALREADY 19 YEARS OLD! GROW UP PLEASE. If you dont like then go buy food yourself. They aren't your servants please. And I hate him fro being so particular bout food. I mean, he always spent so much money just to eat good food and says hawker food are for lousy people or whatsoever. Im pissed at his stupid irritating attitude, pardon me.
Pain is God's megaphone.It's God's way of arousing us from spiritual lethargy.Problems are not punishment, but are wake up calls from a loving God.Okay, I shall go bathe with cold water now.
&still trying to find a happy ending
Had brunch at simply bread. Kinda sick of the food there already, but it's quite filling and nice (if you are hungry) I was super full.
Met kiathoon at orchard then went shopping for her clothes. Chatted and crapped alot, alot alot and laughed too :D Really nice going out with her. And yaynessss. She says my taste is good, whooooots! Lalala. Walked around then slacked at the art gallery along scotts road. We bought the same shirt design but different colour and I love it haha.
And yes! I saw the havaiannas I like! next week next week! :D
Went tuition. I still dont really understand the topic. And chemistry today sucks. Cause Mrs Kang is in Korea, therefore relief teacher. She just gives out the notes, read in a monotonous voice and still ask us to do ws which have like nothing to do with anything in her notes( maybe) Everyone were like practically GUESSING every question. We didnt care bout her and kept asking for breaks and we could see she was unhappy but who cares.
And I saw Audrey haha. She sort of recognised me cause she finds me familiar. She came my church a few years ago.
I think I need to exercise tomorrow! I haven't been exercising for like 5days and I feel that I'm getting fatter. I need to do finish my maths and english by this week so that I can continue with tuition work and then study/ revise for bio and physics cause I FORGOT EVERYTHING LIKE DAMN IT! RAWR.
hateeee it manzzzz.
I'm aiming for single digit,
SINGLEEEEEEE! for O's next yearrr.
We're gonna work hard right, Elena? :DYes, and I'm gonna leave it all to God.Do your best, Leave the rest to God.Off to do finish maths.
* P.S. my house heater is spoiledd =( cold water. and water keeps dripping. sianzzzzzz.
&still trying to find a happy ending
Open house is just sooooo sianzzzzz. I can't believe I woke up at 6am and my idiotic brother of mine scolds me right in the face for waking up so early. Like hello, it's not even his business lah. In the end, kiat hoon didnt meet up with me. Duty was slack. Or rather, I slacked. There's so little people this year. And I just realised that there isn't any special or express course for NHHS next year onwards. Eveyone is equal peopleeee. Lol.
Met Elena for lunch and canteen. Saw Jiayu and we shared a plate of noodles. After everything, chatted with Mr Edmund Ng and the Sumo house with 5 other people. Mrt-ed to queenstown library, met Tao Oei then did some homework, read the chinese story on phone then church.
Praise and worship, then sermon. I almost fell asleep, I'm tired, seriously. Bought dinner for mum then home. Kiathoon wants me to go out with her to get clothes for her chalet LOL.
And Elena hot dater is going Thailand tomorrowwwww! Have a safe journey and blessed trip girl. Will keep you in prayers, seeyou soooon. and presents! :D
tags reply:Ferny: Take care lahhh. ya, I know ._. it was us laughing at you all for one year, now your turn to laugh at us=/ haha but nevermind :DGhimhwee: That's too bad for you! HAHAHAHA!.Joseph: OHMYGOODNESSSSSS! I feel honoured haha. you tag at my blog when you didnt even update your livejournal :D rawr, 2 weeks in Thailand. and you brought your laptop? Yes, I know it's a nice song :D hurry come back lah._.Power of heaven, revealing the purpose You've in me.from today's sermon:
Discouragement is contagious. It's easier to pull someone down than to pull someone up isn't it?Imagine someone met a suicidal man on the bridge and that person is trying to convince him to continue living. But no matter how hard he try, it just doesn't work. Then, he decided to jump down the river together with that suicidal man.A person who experienced discouragement or setbacks in life, has just sacrifice another person's life just because discouragement is contagious. Ever tried comforting your friend who is down but no matter how hard you try, he/she just dont get happy and soon you realised you are affected and your mood is changed, sometimes wishing that you were the one in that person's position? Yea. Don't let discouragement or failure or whatever rule you. The only fear that you should have, is the fear of God.:D
Off to bathe, then maths.
&still trying to find a happy ending
TOP SCORER FOR PSLE OF NHPS IS LEE JIA LE :D congratsssss!I'm shocked!
Jiayu tells me that my class next year is on the 6th floorrrrr!
I've never had classes at 2nd, 3rd or 5th floor and boom! straight away 6th.
But maybe it's good exercise.
But what happens if my knee is pain again.
how how how ._.
&still trying to find a happy ending
Had a nice and fun day today. Woke up early and stared at my handphone, reading the chinese story yuan sent. Super touching okay. Yes, I teared.
Met yuan and fangyu at Queenstown MRT then bused down to Great World. I am a good and nice friend okay. Haha. I could have just walked over to GWC but I accompanied them there 'cause they didnt know how to. Bought tickets for enchanted and was given a free gift but we rejected it. Lunch at food junction. Tom Yam seafood noodle there sucks.
Shopped awhile though there is nothing much. Then went to Royal Sporting to buy yuan's bag. I'm jealous! I wanted to buy but mum says I already have my crumpler, which is true. And I saw this Espirit shoulder bag which I like but it's $17.90 D: Never mind, I shall wait for Malaysia's trip to see more and then buy.
And it's nice cause it's watched with yuan and fangyu! Haha funny okay. We kept laughing in the theatre. Yuan sees herself as the princess waiting for prince edward to come and save her. But in the end, when fangyu spoils the show by telling us that prince edward goes with another lady, nancy, in the end, she is devastated. I'm proud to say that this is the first (from what I can remember) show I watched with them that I didnt cry! HOHO :D Guess what?! Yuan cried! 'cause she couldnt be with prince edward LOL. Me and fangyu kept laughing at her, like how they laughed at me last time.
Island creamery! LALALA. I ate chocolate with oreo, Yuan ate cookie and cream and fangyu ate apple pie. Camwhore ate toilet and with christmas decorations. Fangyu wanted to take the shuttle bus to orchard then mrt home cause its nearer. So we waited for the bus, while shopping at espirit then 4.25pm.
Me: " Hey the bus come already. Ah it left!"
Fangyu: "AHHHHHH"
*dashes out of espirit running like a mad person*
* comes back*
Fangyu: "why the timing so weird one! aiya wait for the 5pm bus"
Yuan: " I go to work first"
Me and Fangyu: " we walk you to the bus stop then come back"
*walks out of GWC, bout 50 to 100m*
* i turned around*
Me: " the bus!"
* at the speed of lightning, fangyu runs the long route back *
Me and yuan:" wow. why she dun use the short cut?"
across the road
*waves to the bus* ( yuan waves very vigorously)
Me: " you saw her?"
yuan: " no"
both of us started laughing. Its seriously funny.
Waited with Yuan till 970 arrived and I walked home. Indulged in chinese story on hp till I teared ._.
Open house tomorrow and I cant go for cell outing!
Meeting kiathoon at 7.45am and know what! I have to wake up supeeeeeeer early to take bus cause my dad has to send my idiotic brother for canoeing competition. damn.
I didnt go jogging today cause i felt lazy and now I feel fat ._.
'cause of the icecream which makes me feel sinful AHHHH.
&still trying to find a happy ending
CRAZYYYYYYYNational highest PSLE score is a freaking 294.Gosh. freaking genius okay.NHPS highest PSLE score is 286.I feel so dumb and lousy nowww. It's like a freaking 56points higher than me.
But I guess I'm still happy with where I am now. A blessing in disguise, I'd say?
Maybe it's God's plan or whatsoever. And I thank God that I'm in NanHua.
Tomorrow's outing with fangyu, yuan and john. Movieeee. Enchanted! :D
Plus Island Creamery at GWC.
REMINDER TO ALL COUNCILLORS ON DUTY FOR OPEN HOUSE THIS SAT 24th November:Please report at 8am sharp in full school uniform with tie and badge.Those in charge of information booth, please report at 7.30am.Okay, off to do English comprehension.
&still trying to find a happy ending
I've been packing my room since don'tknowwhen. Now that there are more files,tys and worksheets, my room is BOOM, messy. Wenhang passed my her sec4 stuffs, and gosh, my back hurts moving that 4 big paperbags of heavy things. I was packing my room yesterday till 2am. At least now my room looks nicer :D
Woke up early today, just to go to school for briefing ._. waste of time. To think that I still have to listen to the quarrels of my parents, irritating. Waited for 1hour plus just for lunch, should have went home by myself. Ate at Zingdo at JEC, only finished half the portion, super full. Popular and then Tiong with James, home. Slept from 3pm to 7plus o.O
There's no training tomorrow. They have to get the hall ready for some exhibition thingy. And PSLE results tomorrow! soooo fast. In a twinkling of an eye, one year! 3 years of secondary life seems so damn fast. My mum told me something and she makes me suspect that my primary school has done super well for PSLE this year.'Cause there were people interviewing my primary school principal. Maybe top scorer again? Haha.
Sigh, because of open house, I've to miss cell outing. Leader seems kinda angry with me 'cause I always have school stuffs. Not my fault, right?
TO ALL TABLETENNIS MEMBERS:THERE'S NO TRAINING TOMORROW. Training is on 27th Nov. and stops on 29th.December trainings will be on the 11, 13, 18 and 27.Same time, 1pm-4pm, in the hall.Please be informed that there is no need for you all to come back this Saturday for Open House.Okay, gotta go do that freaking set of English homework D:
Left with English and Mathematics.
&still trying to find a happy ending
I'm just wanna live in my own fairytale;
Time's ticking away, every single minute and second. I can't say "There isn't enough time at all" 'cause there is always enough time, just how the way you spend it. Don't press the fast-forward button people, 'cause it's just a matter of time that you'll get there.
Okay, I'm crapping.I finally did finish my biology workbook. It took me yearsszzzzz. Okay, not that bad but I read through the whole topic of Homeostasis. And I gotta do biology study notes on Homeostasis later. How screwed can my holidays get. Everyday is filled with activities that seem to cover my entire world.
Where's my east coasttt hot date tripp Elena!? Anyway, I don't think I've the time too. Sigh, thinking 'bout the fact that I'm going to be in Secondary 4 in less than 2months...
Just got back from jogging. Gosh, I feel so embarrassed. And my stamina suckz, pleaseee. I was jogging non-stop for about 2km then I couldn't take it and started stopping. Then there were older people who just jog past me ._. Imagine that! Training tomorrow, open house trial run on Wednesday plus maths with Elena and Fangyu, training on Thursday. Wow.
There seems to be lots of things in my mind, but I just don't know what exactly am I worried/ thinking about._. I gotta lay it all down manz.
All to you, I'll surrender.I'm trying very hard to forget 'bout you,so please don't suddenly appear in my mind,when the images have already started to fade.
&still trying to find a happy ending

I know it's kinda funny and random to see the above picture but yes, once again, I miss Beijing. Last year, this time, I was in Beijing with the school, have so much fun playing, climbing great wall and even eating icecream during winter whereby the icecream doesn't even melt.
Aaron is in Shanghai now, some basketball excursion. And I heard from my grandma and mum that just before he was about to leave for China, he couldn't open his luggage and my uncle had to use a hammer to break open it, exchanging it with a normal padlock.
Another cousin, Audrey is also in China, on her own. Imagine a mere 13 years old girl taking plane all by herself. Woah.
Sigh, my youngest auntie isn't feeling well again. She had an operation last month then today she called my mum to complain to her that she felt as though she is dying. She has been coughing since don't know when and she complains that she can't breathe. I'm really worried 'bout her, as she has a very weak immune system and body.
Uncle and another cousin met with a car accident too, but luckily by God's grace, they're not hurt. But the car is damaged and it's not my uncle's one. It's my auntie's and they aren't in good terms -- quarrelling/ coldwar?
So, yeah, prayers people!
And also, for my face. I still feel that it's not getting better. Instead, near the eyelid, there's a small lump there and there are like red pimple-like dots on the eyelid too. D: Gosh, I seriously hate it man.
Anyway, woke up and did some maths today. Went Ikea to get the container. and man! It cost $12.90 with lid. Mum didn't want me to buy cause it was too expensive but I forced her to buy ._. And and and I wanna get that sofa for my room! It's not those living room sofa that is big, but it's the one sitter sofa. I seriously wanna get rid of that bubble chair in my room, super childish.
Went to the library while parents attended the 4pm church service. Did maths in the library and borrowed a book. Went for service at 6pm and I don't know why but I wasn't really concentrating during sermon. Kinda distracted ._.
Came home, drink campbell for dinner. I need to exercise on Monday. I haven't been exercising for 2 days, going to be 3days. But I ate alot today. At the rate I'm going or worse, there goes my wish/dream of maintaining my weight below 50kg for the rest of my life ._. Yeah, I don't wanna exceed 50kg, never ever!
Okay, now I shall go pack my things into the hotpink plastic container with wheelsssss :D
And I want to sing,
A hymm of love,
For your faithfulness to me.
&still trying to find a happy ending
My morning was wasted, waiting at the clinic for a boring ONE hour. All i could do was to stare at the television showing mr bean's video. And the wait was so long that the video repeated the second time. How pathetic is that. The worst thing is that i only went into the room for less than 5 minutes. Total waste of time, isn't it.
And yes, as predicted, the cause of those red pimple-like dots is due to the swimming pool water. Either that or I'm allergied to chlorine, which is totally impossible cause i have been swimming since 4 years old, just that i stopped for 'bout 2 years? Tablets and cream. Sigh, I have to stop swimming for 2 to 3 weeks, which means i have to concentrate on only jogging and table tennis so as to not get fat during the holidays with all the food and slacking at home that makes all the oil and fat build up, and calories to increase. Gosh.
But table tennis training is only till 27 nov, until further notice D:
which means only jogging after that, swimming is possible by then but now I seem to have a phobia, cause I don't wanna see my face like that again. It looks like pimples and it's horrible, imagine, when people come up to you and say," Woah, it has only been a few days/weeks since I saw you and what has happened to you!?" ( maybe not that serious, but yes, its saddening)
Anyway, was packing my room just now, filing all my worksheets and putting all the files at a corner. My room is seriously small, I don't have enough space for sec3/4 books. And I'm lazy to clear my cupboard filled with pri1-6 books. Yes, I know it's ridiculous but it's true. Mum says she wants them next time, if she is teaching tuition, but please, the syllabus has already changed! ._.
I need to go to Ikea tomorrow, to get containers, or my room will never be cleared/cleaned and my homework will continue to pile up. The clock will tick and tick and tick, waving me goodbye of my holidays and welcoming me into the crucial reality that I'm going to be a sixteen year old girl, taking O' level early October/November.
And I just realised, that the bookshop will only be opened on 28nov. Fangyu and I planned to go buy sec4 books on 21st, after the trial run for open house but but...And I won't even be going back on the 28th, neither do I want to waste my time, just to go to school to get those few textbooks. Maybe I should just ask my primary school bookshop auntie to help me buy. (there's discount somemore ._.)
Holiday Homework
1. Mathematics worksheet; all topics taught ._.
2. Biology workbook
3. Biology studynotes
4. English composition and comprehension
(if you guys don't know 'bout this, please go edulearn, ms rani told us, unless you forgot)
And i gotta start revision as soon as i finish all my homework, but I wonder when will that be.
Secondary 4 is seriously going to be a stressful year, and who knows, my pimples will start popping up again, and here comes my daily routine of sleeping at 2am just to finish homework.I'm not kidding. Upper secondary life is totally screwed.
Better get going, to bathe and continue packing my messy room.
&still trying to find a happy ending
mum wants me to see the doc for my face ._.
she thinks its some inflammation or whatsoever.
i really hope it heals.
prayers, people!
hopefully the doctor knows what to do.
&still trying to find a happy ending
So, tabletennis is back to usual.
weather is so hot and humid
and the hall is so stuffy.
sweat and sweat and sweat.
trained and trained.
then my cheeks were very red.
like red patches.
with like dots like pimples.
sigh, when will my face be smooth again._.
had pt.
junneng reduced everything lol
he's funny.
we were made to sweep the hall ._.
after training,
bused down to holland for dinner
with monkey! haha.
chatted and laughed.
black pepper steak :D
then walked round
and she felt like eating katong laksa lol.
super funny.
alethea, next time then go back there to eat lah! haha
then bused home.
i think i should go jog tmr.
no swimming for the time being.
cause my face, is screwed, by the water?
and nd, my room!
is still in a mess.
i tried, my best packing it
but it's still the same.
i guess i have to go ikea
gotta get containers with wheels.
no mood to do, and i wonder when
im able to finish everything
plus start revising.
really cant imagine,
next year, i will be sec4
and there's O's
sigh. im not prepared.
but i guess i'll leave everything to God.
&still trying to find a happy ending
damn ugly lah D:
im not stress.
mum says cause i sleep too late.
mr edmund ng says its cause i went swimming
then skin sensitive or whatsoever.
my cousin is going china tmr!
for bball trip. and gosh, he is stubborn
my auntie is worried for him.
you know, guys at this age...
hope he has fun there, and know how to take care of his things.
i wanna go airport!
but i cant. his is morning flight i think
and i have training.
i wanna see terminal 3.
damn it manz!
the colour difference is sooo big. arhhhhh
hate it lah.
&still trying to find a happy ending
council rod'07
woke up super early and it was raining!
dragged myself up.nice weather lah.
reached school, very little people.
waited and waited. supposed to start at 8am
but cause of the rain,everyone was late.
did some improvement thingy.
and sec4s did " the best moments in council"
gosh, they wrote my name lah.
below john's name.
then cause they went to separate my name
then they make changes, look as though it's like
john love...
then during presentation, everyone thought...
mistake! lol
they drew the mountain taller than me thing.
i didnt know it was a joke to the sec4s.
lol. cause of my pressure test, i calculated the height of the mountain to be 1.5m
then pandian tease me say i taller than mountain all those.
then everyone laugh.
whoots. fun shot was funny.
nick and enna. woahhhh. haha
couple seat haha.
(will post if i upload)
food! didnt eat much.
then went to learn guitar from JT.
omgosh! he is damnnnnn goooood!
he can play anything, everything.
even on the piano.
yay! he knows how to play Hosanna on the guitar.
nice, and when he was playing, and we were singing,
i could really sense God's presence.
stayed to do maths homework.
then went ntuc to buy facial wash.
my idiotic brother used finish mine.
girl's one somemore lol
tabletennis tmr!
then dinner with monkey!
THANK YOU SEC4s!huishan: you're always there to make me laugh and i really miss the times we spent together, going out and crapping. sorry i forgot to pass you the tattoos last time haha.i wanna see your dress for tmr's grad nite!
shuxuan: another great senior who would make me laugh and forget all my worries. all those craps! haha. take care and your eczema!more serious than mine. same, sorry bout the delay for tattoos. haha.
kahswee: you crapper! haha damnnnn lame lah. haha. thanks thanks! ultimate hardworking guy. midyrs 21, prelims 7.PROOOO.
yaozhong: thanks for being there and for those chimonology haha! great senior, always "flirting" with the *ahem*sec2 girls haha. YAY ANTI-LOL club. haha!
si ian: SIANNNNNN! haha. thanks for helping out with teachers' day celeb. and all those small small things u did, like advises and stuffs.
IM GONNA MISS ALL OF THEM! really, they are damn good seniors. like what blim said, they have nothing to hide among each other, no gap between the guys and girls.
but i can't. sad. have fun! :D
Heal my heart and make it clean Open up my eyes to the things unseenShow me how to love like you have loved meBreak my heart from what breaks yoursEverything I am for your kingdoms causeAs I go from nothing to Eternity
&still trying to find a happy ending
and the digital clock, credits to lynn.
went swimming today.
swam for almost 2hours.
then went library to return and borrow books.
stayed awhile to do eng.
then home.
there's council rod.
and i haven't written notes to some of the sec4s.
i was packing my room half way
then suddenly i went to use the com
decided to change skin,
and now, my room is still in a mess.
LOL. joseph, you rock to the max x777times. :D
see, i'm good haha.
and i couldn't stop laughing when i saw that msg.
i needa wake up at normal school time.
then i will reach school at like 7 o.o
cause im lazy to take bus haha.
after rod, not going kbox
so i guess i will be staying in school to accompany fangyu
for maybe an hour plus
she has co. then we will do maths tgt.
then maybe evening im going jogging again.
i going to continue clear my room,
not packing anymore for today.
so tata.
&still trying to find a happy ending
went cine yst, and num says they dun have the havaianas design that i saw online.
damn. have to waitttttt.
but elena say she saw the design i like.weird.
and she is in nco band camp! miss her.
went jurong point in the morning with fangyu john yuan and ferny.
walked round then had lunch.
watched game plan.
gosh! its nice. super touching.
and yes, i cried again! haha
not only me. ferny and yuan oso cried.
really really touching, trust me.
you'd definitely cry, unless you are a guy.
john almost lost his phone.
he searched his bag everywhere but still.
" hey, help me hold*pass me his uniform and tie* i cant find my phone!"
*grabs my phone that is on my hand*
"why you take my phone!?"
LOL. we both have the same phone.
in the end he found his in the cinema. he left it there, unknowningly.
i wanna watch beowulf!
but it's nc16.
that time i told yuan and xiejing then suddenly, they started laughing so loudly in the toilet.
i forgot both of them are already 16 ._.
even joseph is going to watch it on monday. D:
i wanna watch enchanted too! haha.
and gosh. ferny says i put on weight.
tremendous setback! D:
cant believe. ahhhhhhhhh
im trying to resist from icecream, so dun tempt me! haha
went jogging just now.
physics remedial tmr is cancelled so,
should i go swimming tmr or east coast with council ppl?
i cant decide.
and somemore there is council rod on wednesday.
not going kbox so pleaase ppl dun pester me LOL.
(if you are trying to pon, please reconsider. ask yourself when is the last time we had training. it's like ONE MONTH ago.)
anyway, thanks to those who tagged on my blog. i'm feeling better :D
swim, or east coast?
(i'm afraid i'd feel left out cause elena and fangyu are not going)
&still trying to find a happy ending
(a post of complains so if you don't wanna read, click the red cross at the top right hand corner)
I HAD A BAD DAY.damn it.it started out like any morning, but the only difference was that i had to go to the science centre to help out with some
exhibition stuff for cip. had brunch over there, then i was brough to help out at the popcorn booth. at first it was okay, then when more people came, it was abit chaotic but managable until the lady incharge changed everything.at first, it was 1 coupon for 1 packet of popcorn. then the lady changed to 1 person 1 packet only.she says it's unfair to those at the back. okay, whatever man. i mean like she dun even let those people take for their family members or what.so i just follow instructions.scoop scoop stamp stamp.then this guy came. 6 coupons. he expects 6 packets of popcorns. the lady and me told him like a million times cannot. only 1 person 1 packet. we were already very good okay. he had his wife and children there so we gave him 4 packets (cause 4 people). he still not happy.say what the organizer suck and what crap. the lady incharge say she dun wanna argue with him then he walk away.later, this old lady, a representative of a rc came. also 6 coupons. she says she is helping those old people they brought to take cause they cant walk properly or stand too long.of course you would believe her and help right. so i gave her 6 packets of popcorns.then that stupid guy came from behind me." I GOT IT ALL RECORDED IN MY PHONE *waves his phone in the air* I AM GONNA COMPLAIN AND PUBLISH IT ON NEWSPAPERS. YOU GUYS GAVE HER AND NOT ME "wth.then he walk infront of me, put his phone right infront of my face wanting to take pic.my eyes were teary and immediately i ran away. he stood there waiting for me to take my bag.in the end yuan helped me take. she say that guy keep looking for me and when he saw me crying he went away.i should have just shouted right in his face man. damn it.who is he to compare with an old lady.WHERE IS YOUR PRIDE!and so what if he queued up for minutes for the popcorn.HELLO. I STOOD THERE FROM 10AM TO 3PLUS. DIDNT DRINK WATER DIDNT EAT A SINGLE POPCORN DIDNT SIT. JUST STAND THERE SERVING YOU ALL.who are you to complain ar.a person without a heart of compassion huh.WHAT A TYPICAL SINGAPOREAN PLEASEE.GREEDY ASS. not as though you have no money to buy popcorns.HELLO. PLEASE BE HAPPY WE GIVE OUT FREE POPCORN LAH.still wanna complain. think you bigshot then dun take lah.does 2 small packets of popcorn make a diff to u. urgh!please. not that i'm emo or what. but if you were the one, you would feel like slapping him.please, volunteering work and you have to get all these crap.i feel like slapping him right in the faceif only i brought my tabletennis bat!if he really publish, he better be sorry for it.
im not in the wrong, just following instructions.
if i ever see the pic or whatsoever, im going to write in and complain bout him!
there's somemore.some people still say" aiyoh. so selfish give so little. scoop more lah."WE ARENT PROFESSIONAL PLEASE. DO IT YOURSELF LAH.want me to help you put on weighing machine to weigh?after i run away from the booth, i didnt go back.just walked round the place. went mac to eat mcflurry(thanks yuan for the hug and tissues and buying mcflurry :D )had lunch then crapped.church!praise and worship.surrender all your ambitions hopes and plans, all to God.break my heart for what breaks yours'
&still trying to find a happy ending
THANK YOU KUEIRONG AND CHERNGYEW!thanks for the chili chocolate, and that keychain! hahas loves! :D
had maths remedial today.
6th floor ._.
ate the chocos and i got addicted.
finished the whole bar.
had the test, but mrs leuar knows that some just came back from perth
chatted and crapped with yuan and xiejing.
kept laughing lol.
then went home and then swimming!
gosh. like how long since i last swam
cant believe my arms were like PAIN after swimming abit.
swam swam swam then went to suntan/rest in the sun?
then went back to swim.
queenstown swimming complex is like so...deserted now?
last time alot of people. but now like so isolated lol.
i miss the times there, swimming with frens and dad.
i miss mr yap my coach.
everything's soo into memory? gosh!
lunch at hawker then came home, slept till 6pm.
there's some science centre thing tmr
i dun wanna go =(
have to miss cell and maybe even service.
dun care. i must go service.
plus if it is 2 days, im not going on sunday.
there's tuition and shopping with ms lee :D
i haven started on any homework!
and yay im going out with my beloved monkey supposedly next friday
eat eat and eat! haha
then need to exercise ._.
cousin's leaving singapore on 15nov.
some bball exchange to shanghai and another place.
so cooll.
yes, i still miss beijing and the cold cold weather where icecreams dun melt even after a long time.
bye. teeveeeeeee!
&still trying to find a happy ending
met all my aunties, uncle and cousins and granny for lunch at yumcha.
went shopping. shop shop shop :D
thank God for my youngest auntie.
she used to hate going out but now she is always coming out.
guys got bored so they came my hse while the ladies plus me continued shopping till 7plus.
went for dinner at dawson.
great! haha
we didnt tell anyone it was my grandma's birthday but they served us free dessert.
kept laughing. the boss talked to us personally too. :D
Perth people are back!
i guess they had lots of fun.
i wanna go!
maybe next time, like what kueirong said.
we can go overseas next time when we are working. then can go with 3/3 ppl.
tmr's maths remedial and maths test.
i only practise abit.
fangyu's still haven reply me on whether she wanna go with me.
but her remedial ends at 12 D:
mine ends at 10.
junneng says maybe there will be a tabletennis chalet.
but mum sure dun let me stayovernight.
plus december is a busy month for me D:
gosh. i hope i can at least go for bbq.
(once again, i will post pictures when i upload them)
& You paint the sky.
&still trying to find a happy ending
TODAY IS THE 3RD YEAR OF MY BAPTISM. :Di will always remember that day.
and yes, nothing can separate me from God.
through the years, though i may have drifted away from Him, I will always love Him for he is my saviour,my everything.and He has helped me through the difficult times, have always been there for me be it in the happy or sad times.
I thank God for the creation and wonders that he have placed on the earth.i know that i have a purpose in his plan that he had placed me here.
Psalms 139:14I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made;Marvelous are Your works, and that my soul knows very well.
&still trying to find a happy ending

you are the soundtrack of my summer :D
life's so boring. it's holidays yet it doesnt feel like it.
i don't know.
maybe there's alot of things to do, but i guess i'm too lazy for anything now.
all i feel like doing now is to go sentosa or to the beach.
anyone wanna go? :D
though i have to wait for busy elena to arrange her schedule lol.
read maths text just now.
but i haven practise.
home's so quiet.i'm so not used to it.
i wanna go holidayyyy!
i wanna shop!
sigh.and most importantly, i wanna revise for sec4.
but the sight of my messy room ruins it all.
i still haven pack finish my room
and till that day, i wont have the mood to study.
damn D:
guess i better go practise maths now.
everyone's going for the overnight prayer at church tonight.
my mum dun let me go, as usual.
sigh. if only i could go.
i mean like it's surely safe what.
anything that has to do with staying over, it's a definite NO.
i really wanna go.now there's like no one online.
ultimate boring.
& yes, God don't play with dice.
You're not by accident :D
(from the purpose driven book)
&still trying to find a happy ending
i had such a wonderful time today man!
woke up at 6am today to go nan hua primary with my mum.
i was a 'parent helper' of the day for my mum's p1 class.
went to the family life centre to get the info and row number for the movie.
gosh! my mum's students are damn cuteeee!
so small size haha.
and they hold hands wherever they go haha.
i cant imagine i was like them 8 years ago!
i really miss the times in pri sch.
(will insert pictures when i upload them)
bee movie was okay.
some parts are funny.
i wanna watch enchanted, but i duno when it's coming out.
the advertisement look super cool and nice.mum says the same too.
after the movie, i accompanied them to the com lab for touch typing.
so cool. spongebob touch typing. lol
i tried too.
and yay. one day 13 levels.
everyone were like :'' woah jie jie, how you type so fast?''
to them its fast but its actually normal speed.
and yes, now i know why my mum is so stressed everyday.
it isnt easy to look after them, esp p1. so hyper, and some so irritating.
quite happy that lots of teachers still rmb me.
everyone :'' you look so different, last time so plump now you have grown up''
accompanied my mum to the eye centre.
her eye problem is back.
got lots and lots of things to do.
i plan to pack finish my room by next wed. (i hope)
go jogging every monday and go swimming every wednesday (yes, i PLAN)
have to study for maths test tmr. sigh.
if only i could forget you,
&still trying to find a happy ending
went to school and i thought i was late.
ms wassan was like 45min late ._.
after everything, went sumo hse with fangyu. chatted and went home.
slept from 2-7pm =/
damn pissed off with my idiotic brother.
think he is seriously damn pampered or what lah.
everything also want high class good food.
he dun even want to eat foodcourt's food.
not that im cursing him or what
i bet he will go bankrupt next time.
dun even know how to save money.
dun even earn money also.
damn pissed off leh.
still scold me. wth.
on the happier note,
i going to watch the Bee movie with my mum and her primary school kids at westmall.
so cool. haha. im going to be a 'parent' helper lol.
it reminds me of my pri6 time.
that year we went je to watch shrek.
it's bringing back lots of memories.
i feel like going overseas =(
i miss beijing.
i miss japan.
i wanna go austrailia again
i wanna go korea and hongkong.
i wanna travel around the world, next time.
never knew you could mean so much to me.
&still trying to find a happy ending
HAPPY BIRTHDAYYYYY EDWIN LEE WENXIAN (idiot :D)my gums are painnnn.
i got a feeling new tooth is coming out.
went central mall again today.
wanted to go to the restaurant that roanna recommended
but in the end my family+granny+aunty didnt want.
so we went manhattan (sp?)
bout $100.00
i wasnt really full.
then went shopping.
bought a pair of shoes.
went for dessert
and then tuition at orchard.
i bought my idiotic brother a coffeebean cake.
i cant believe the first reaction he gave was not a smile or a thankyou.
but IT WAS A:'' I DON'T WANT!''
all these years he didnt even say a happy birthday to me or give me anything.
i treated him to one of Singapore's BEST RAMEN RESTAURANT and cake leh!
3nov.went toa payoh hub after sending my bro for canoeing training.
went coffee bean with mum and dad for breakfast. :D
(my mum actually suggested it lol)
went shopping and bought a tunic.
went for cell and then service.
church was great (is always :D)
went for alter call.
could really feel His presence.
great world city for dinner.
but went WH to get brother's things.
i bought a bracelet
bro spent $60+++
had pepperlunch (yes, at gwc food junction LOL)
wanted to buy icecream from island creamery but but but =(
it had already closed. tsk.
i still have to go back to school tomorrow for the dumb teachers' day review.
waste of time.
and and and i dun understand what ms lee is teaching.
plane geometry. so chim. prove here prove there. rawr!
luckily she is a good tuition teacher.
meeting her earlier next sunday to get my havaianas then she is going to teach me again.
yay-ness :D
okay, off i go.
&still trying to find a happy ending
rawr! i couldnt go swimming today. damn it!
and for the whole day, i was at home. rotting ._.
nothing to do.
plus i didnt eat dinner last night
and lunch today.
i spent the whole day redesigning my noticeboard.
grandma coming over tomorrow to sleep in my room and it's like a rubbish bin
piles and piles of books and papers.
i really dont know where to start packing from.
i dun even wanna look at my room.
i wanna swimmmm.
havent touched any homework or started revising for maths test.
cos when my room is in a mess
hand's still pain and swollen.
please pray for me, thanks a million :D
&still trying to find a happy ending
HAPPY BIRTHDAY KIAN ANN (1st nov)HAPPY B'DAY TO MY AUNTY (2nd nov) AND IDIOTIC BROTHER (4th nov) :Dif they even see the post. haha.
woke up at 'bout 9plus.and there was nothing to do!
i wanna clean my room.those piles and piles of books.
but there isn't space to keep them.
my mum still wants me to keep those primary school books ._.
if only my mum lets me draw on my own walls or repaint, then that would be a fab idea.
i tried to play my brother's guitar hero. lol funny.
i used to laugh at how noob he is. and i realised i was not much better haha.
went orchard kino with my bro cause he wanted to buy a comic book.
then we took bus to Gallery Hotel for lunch!
famous jap ramen.
was quite nice but abit salty.
$37.08 hahaha.
i treated my bro (okay, only half. haha. cause i need $ to go east coast and island creamery)
east coast and island creamery is postponed to december D:
sad. so now, what to do for tmr?
sigh. i wanna go swim but i scared the ahem youknowwhat come.
my mum and aunty promised to bring me out to celebrate my aunty's b'day but no calls yet.
bet they went without me D:
what to do for the rest of the holidays?
i can't just rot at home. sigh.
i wanna go Perth! D:
lots of sec3 going Perth tonight.
and basketballers are going Malaysia.
its been a long time since i went overseas (far far away) with my family.
not including Malaysia,
i think the last place i went was Japan when i was pri4.
anyway, have fun people! :)
and i need prayers for my hand.
the wound is gross and it's still swollen. super PAIN D:
i hope it recovers fast and there is no broken pieces of glass or whatsoever.
visit this website to buy handmade roses!click here :D
your voice was the soundtrack of my summer.
&still trying to find a happy ending