HAPPY BIRTHDAY YUAN!Altogether, there were 10 girls from 205 who went for the lunch at swensen. And yes, it was fun! I think I made a fool out of myself while order the firehouse happybirthday icecream for yuan, it was totally hilarious. Waiters and waitress helped to sing a birthday song for her and they didnt charge the price of the icecream :D so niceee.
Bugis street was super packed and hot. We had to take like 5minutes just to cross the road. After a long time without finding any nice shoulder bag for yuan, we decided to go to bugis junction for aircon and yayeeee, found a bag which was quite nice from moonriver.
Mrt-ed and bused down to church. Alot of people were in school uniform cause they went for ignite!
I WANNA GO MISSIONS D: Sigh, mummyyyy!
18th JanAfter school, stayed back to do homework with besties and then mrted down to paya lebar for ignite conference. Heart of God church is cool! It looks like indoor stadium =/ haha. Saw ghimhwee and jianjie.
Okay, byebye. Off to bathe and then homework ):
{ yangping, I updated}
&still trying to find a happy ending
OC VIDEO, 2008! Credits to yangping.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UaKAMKXq4v0
Wa, I see my name alot of times on his blog leh LOL.
Yes yp, dont play le haha. You concentrate for A's, I concentrate for O's then next year we go back help for OC again, okay? Haha. :D
&still trying to find a happy ending

'Cause it's just another unending route,
{ It's gonna be quite brief }
Honestly, I would say it wasn't very successful but still, all the leaders put in their effort for this camp. Many preparations were needed and yes, it can be seen from a glance; especially the overall planning and the games.
Took class 106 with Kiathoon that dumb, Yuxiang, Yanting and Khengleng with helps from that high guy, Yangping! Haha. Thank God for good weather that morning while we played some games before lunch. Most of the games were water games so basically, it was wet and soapy blahblah. There was this station at the volleyball court where both me and yangping were so crazy that we sat in the middle to wait for people to splash us with water. It's fun getting wet haha. Though most of the students were reluctant to get wet, they didnt had the choice after all and at least I'm glad that the water games got them more active, I would say.
{though to many leaders, water was rather disasterious, causing many phones to be faulty }
Lunch! There wasnt enough food! Continued with games after lunch till the catone lightning alert disrupted everything. But at least there were teaching of cheers and mass dance steps. Haunted house preparation was ongoing while me, elena and jingru were camwhoring at the 3rd floor. Gosh, super funny with lots and lots of retarded pictures. After that, games and then dinner, which as usual, had a shortage of food. Table cheers! chaotic siazz! Hear the pa!pa!pa!PA! sound every second. Cleared up the canteen and damn, I got blamed by a sec1 guy ._. Oh please, wonder where is his heart of appreciation. Tried like a million times trying to save estella's phone and after half a minute, it would always die out.
Campfire and haunted house! Due to the briefing of HH, we had to miss the campfire. Something happened which made many people more stressed and upset. Anyway, took 10 people from 104 for HH with amandatan :D Actually, HH was really a great idea but the planning was abit... there wasnt enough time for all the classes to go in, which was quite a waste. Plus, I pity those people helping out, having to stay in a room of darkness for hours, with no air ventilation and having to tolerate the heat, but GREAT JOBS GUYS! :D
Didnt really sleep. Did maths hw till 4plus, chatted with yangping and a few others till bout 5.30am. was super super tired. Disco and mass dance! I hope the sec1s liked it though I'm sure leaders/councillors would definitely say the previous year one was better. Everyone were highing, jumping and shouting. Video by yangping and itmc, prize presentation then break camp.
{ video can be found on youtube, according to YP }
&&& yes! 106 got 2nd for the whole camp, just a mere 1 mark aware from 109 who got 1st. GOOD JOB GUYS, though I didnt really help much but rather kept shouting and you all ._.
>> And not forgetting,
THANKS EXCO for the hard work and effort placed in the camp. Though the others may not be able to experience what you guys are going through, we surely know its very hard on you guys to coordinate such a big group, plus having to get scolded.
YANGPING, thanks for helping out with class 106, itmc and with the game station. next time, photo shoot! LOL! Must study le lah :p
KIATHOON the dumb! thanks for being so friendly and everything! :D very fun hor, keep splashing me with water =x loves!
and many more which I'm lazy to type for now cause I'm really very tired.
so, tata!
&still trying to find a happy ending
Copied and pasted from Cherngyew's blog:
QIANYI AHH..you all also very nice la..EVERYTIME ZEN ME BAN ZEN ME BAN ONE THO!!hahaha..thats funny la..like..you run to me..i noe you will say 怎么办!! liao..what else can you say??HAHAHA..but then..you also pro la..maths so qiang!! hahaha..school reopen ask you maths le..!! HAHA..dun mug too much leh..rmb to enjoy LIFE ALSO!!! hahaha.. NICE PEOPLE IN 303!! hahaha.. THANX FOR ALL tHAT YOU ALL HAVE DONE!! Firstly, I dont always mug lah! Haha.
Cherngyew ah! Haha. Thanks for the dedication under "some specially mentioned people" I feel so honoured :D Knew you since sec1 in council but wasnt that close to you. I once had the impression of you as the fairfair abit niang one, just like kendric LOL. But still, now sec4 le, I still feel that you abit gay lah! Haha. 怎么办!! I know I always say that haha. used to it, I guess. And hor, who say I very mug de. You worst than me lor, YOU TOP IN CLASS LEH SO PRO! top in almost every sciences, everytime. Haha, but really, thanks for all the help this whole year, whenever I'm in doubt, you were always there to help me. mr pandian still havent give us an answer to the parachute question!!! & Thanks for the keychain from Perth, it'll be on my pencil case :D
And I thank you on Yuan's behalf too!
&still trying to find a happy ending
HAPPY NEW YEAR PEOPLEEEE! 2008.Yay, I know what I want for my birthday--
new generation of ipod nano :D But my idiotic brother is surely gonna scream and shout at me with all his vulagurities. But who cares, my mum said before she would buy me one, if I didnt remember wrongly. Stupid idiotic brother wants to get iphone, imac etc, dream on! All he knows is spent money, even unwilling to eat hawker/foodcourt food cause he finds them lowclass. Oh please, high maintainence guy, I pity your girlfriend next time ._.
Okay, off to look through the maths homework for the stupid test. I hope my year goes right.
I praise you God of earth and sky, how beautiful is your unfailing love. You never change, God you remain the holy one, my unfailing love, unfailing love.
&still trying to find a happy ending