I screwed up my O'level spa like nobody's business. I'm so dead D:
&still trying to find a happy ending
& this love is unbreakable;
Weina's in India and it seems very weird, not being able to see her smile every morning. There wouldn't be anymore shouts and laughters of her together with Sili anymore D:
I miss her.
&still trying to find a happy ending

He lifted me up in times of difficulties, troubles,
And when I'm down.
He placed my feet on the miry rock,
And love me the same,
yesterday, today and forever.
It's Good Friday today, and perhaps many are unaware of what this public holiday meant. Three days later, which is Sunday, and it will be Easter. But to many people, it's just a day of Easter eggs, chocolates and bunnies. These are just misconceptions of on two important days.
In the gospel of Matthew, Jesus was arrested. Between Barabbas and Jesus, the people wanted Jesus to be crucified. He was nailed on the cross, mocked by the soldiers. His clothes were divided among them and casted lots on. The people mocked Him for He claimed that He was the Son of God but He was unable to save himself from the crucification.
" You who destroy the temple and build it in three days, save yourself! If you are the son of God, come down from the cross."
" He saved others but himself He cannot save..."
There were many things that the people said. But in the ninth hour, Jesus cried out with a loud voice, saying " Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani? that is " My God, My God, why have You forsaken me?"
When Jesus cried out again with a loud voice and his spirit was yielded up. Then the temple was torn , earth quaked, rocks split, it was destroyed. It was Jesus death and many who saw what had happened feared greatly and said " Truely this was the Son of God!"
He was wrapped in a clean linen cloth and was buried in Joseph's tomb.
Three days later, there was a great earthquake, an angel of the Lord descended from heaven. He told Mary, who was going to see Jesus, that Jesus was not there but He has risen from the dead.
Indeed, 3 days after Jesus' resurrection, He rose up from the dead.Matthew 28:19-20 " Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age."
Went out for lunch with family and auntie uncle and chinatown. Had dimsum at sum restaurant and the food is really nice :D Then shopped around and bought weina's present. shop shop shop then had dessert and home. My friday was wasted cause I expected something better than that haha. Came home and wrapped present, finish up the card and made an envelope :D
I feel like going shopping =/
there is still flag day tomorrow and them church. but there is still plenty of things undone and lots of things bothering me. There's a maths, chem and social studies test and also o level bio spa. there's also competition on monday. D: I feel stress. I have been missing lessons cause of competition and I really cant catch up with the class. Plus differentiation test on monday, I'm so screwed.
"Search me, O God, and know my heart; Try me, and know my anxieties."
&still trying to find a happy ending
& You leave me breathlessTomorrow's a new term.
Tomorrow's going to be a new beginning.
Tomorrow's going to be so screwed.
Tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow.
I received the new timetable and I'm sad. There's nationals tomorrow, wednesday and next monday and altogether, I'll be missing 3days of Amaths (which is 3hours), 2 days of Chemistry SPA, and half an hour geography. HOW'M I GOING TO CATCH UPPP!
I'm sad, sad, sad. D:
And I've not finished my holiday homework. Till now, I'm left with 2 english compositions, revision for social studies and biology. I need to recap biology revision test, chemistry and spa. CRAP. School's reopening tomorrow!
Okay, I won't be using computer that often now that there's going to be school. tata.
&still trying to find a happy ending
I'm feeling so weak and tired. My mood is down because of the gloomy weather. I was supposed to go library after training but I decided to go home to bathe and now, I'm here, not doing work but blogging. Screwed.
Nationals' starting on Monday. And I have Biology O'level SPA so I think I would just pon competition. I don't have a choice. It depends whether the timetable would be changed. I want cca for secondary 4 to stop soon, then I have the time to study, to pull up my grades. I feel bad disappointing Pandian and myself. Sigh. Okay, tata, going to bathe and then homework D:
Chua: haha, yah it's been a long time since you tagged and since we last talked to each other eh? I guess so, but it's really very tiring. Thanks for prayers :D haha yup, nano! haha don't be jealous. see you in church soon.
&still trying to find a happy ending
There's too many things to do, yet there is such little time. I really feel like giving up, giving up on everything. I no longer have the energy to continue with this routine of homework, homework and homework. People always want us to study but do we have the time to do so? when we have so much homeworking piling infront of us. A week of holiday, everyone would say. But do we really have the time to even take a break and rest, or reflect on the past 2 months? Obliviously, the answer is no. A high standard of living does not neccessarily mean a high quality of life. Indeed, it's true. Just when will the stress disappear? or even leave me alone for awhile. I really hate this life. A continuous drudgery and misery.
&still trying to find a happy ending
I'm happy because daddy bought me a 8gb ipod nano 3rd gen. Although I wanted red, he bought me a pink but it doesnt matter :D
However, I feel bad for shouting and screaming at him just now. For always giving in to my idiotic brother who pesters him to buy a HD television just for him to play his xbox. Like hello growup, you are going army soon stop being such an ass. He irritates me with his shitty attitude. They buy the tv without considering the fact that our tv isnt spoilt yet and there isnt any space to put/hang it. And soon my house will be in a terrible mess and one day you would just see me leaving house to camp outside.
On a happier note, 'Facing the giants' is indeed a very nice and touching show. I think it can be viewed on youtube.
Dont ever give up on God. Even when things seem to be falling, have faith and continue to pray. Nothing is impossible with God and if we win, we praise Him. If we lose, we praise Him too! Always give your best no matter how tired you are. Do your best and God will do the rest. I need more songssss. Okay, got to study redox test. Test tomorrow D; SIGH.
&still trying to find a happy ending
Crap. A week of holiday is going to suck big time. Just look at the piles and piles of homework to be done, plus the need to go back to school.
- 5 sets of Chemistry papers from other schools
- 2 sets of Elementary Mathematics papers from other schools
- sickening chinese homework given by some idiotic teacher--- highlight the composition book for good sentences and phrases, chinese composition on the things/people who touched your heart, revision for some stupid test on ALL the words we have learnt from the textbook, memorise famous/ancient sentences by well-known people.
- Study for Chemistry revision test --chemical bonding, acid bases salts.
- Study for Biology revision test --nutrients, enzymes, nutrition in humans.
- Study for Socialstudies source base test on chapter 2,3 of Secondary three book.
- Geography project on trends for food comsumption
- English oral project
- CEP sharing on carreer talk
- English compre and compo
- 12 Amaths questions
screwedd. Okay tata, have to go make card for cellmate. I haven done social studies worksheet D:
&still trying to find a happy ending
Now I will trade these ashes in for beauty,And wear forgiveness like a crown.Coming to kiss the feet of mercy,I lay every burden down, at the foot of the cross.Yes, You've won my heart.Just when common test is over, a whole lot of projects coming rushing in. English, Geography,
Mathematics, CEP. Gosh, a total killer of my life. I hate projects D:
Furthermore, as usual, that week of March holiday isn't any holiday at all. English workshop, chinese remedial, chemistry oxidation test, trainings, and we still have to study for revision tests-Chemistry & Biology, and O level Biology SPA on top of the need to meet up to do the projects. There isn't time at all. Imagine a project taking one day (which actually is impossible cause it's difficult to get everyone to work togehter to finish on time), I do not have time to rest at all. tsk.
Oh, and there is mathematics remedial this saturday. Then I still have to rush down to city hall area to watch the movie 'Facing the Giants' with the church youth cluster then rush back to church for service. If everyday is like that, I won't survive long. Plus some teachers (ahem, you know who) keep giving homework and ask us to finish the next day. So considerate eh. To think that she still ask some of us whether her teaching method is stressful and tiring to us and we said yes -.-
Sigh, I know there's alot of things that I've not done and I don't think I have the ability to do it on my own so I shall just leave it to God for He knows what's best for me.
and and and yay for dawn sent me kjv handphone bible :D cool.
Off to bathe and then some stupid chinese compo which I cant seem to think of a plot which does not involve someone dying. LLF hates people writing about death but that is the only thing that makes a compo touching -.-
&still trying to find a happy ending