Sometimes the inside of me just wanna let go.Going to school to do homework with friends during the holidays isnt a bad idea at all. Though most of the time, not much work will be done but at least we get to see each other. Had lunch at pizza hut with yuan then we went to school to do work. Amaths remedial till 5.30pm and I had a great time talking with yunlum, who drew phuachukang with a sexy body LOL. Mrs Leuar bought food and chocolates for us :D
Cell was cancelled but there's still outreach tomorrow. But at least I'm not the only one not able to bring a friend.
I need more time, more time, more timeeee.
But there's still revision to do plus piles of homework. Gosh.
9 sets of chemistry papers
5 3 chinese paper two
2 chinese compositions
3 2 sets of english comprehensions
2 english compositions
2 a maths papers
2 e maths papers
1 e maths project on probability
1 geography worksheet
millions of compositions to read HAVE A SAFE TRIP TO EUROPE NIGEL!See you in tuition, sometime, I hope.
&still trying to find a happy ending
Revelation 16:18And there were noises and thunderings and lightnings; and there was a great earthquake, such a mighty and great earthquake as had not occurred since men were on the earth. It's really heart-wrenching to see so many people suffering, and dying. Though natural disasters are not within our control but still, everything is devastating. Buildings collapsing, people fleeing for their lives, thousands homeless, many many lives gone, even without having a glimpse of their purposeful lives. Thank God, our country is in a good geographic position, away from the possible natural disasters that could have happened to our country. Imagine the situation happening in Singapore, and in just a split second, our small country might just disappear, covered by debris, where lives lost/missing might just be uncountable.At least the situation in Myanmar is improving and the government is allowing troops and help into the country to aid the people affected by the disaster. Nowadays there are just too many natural disasters happening all over the world. Maybe it's a sign, from heaven.But nevertheless, we still have to pray for the people and the government to be more open to the foreign aid provided. Perhaps it may help bring the government and their politics together.Start of holidays, but I just don't know whether or not to be happy. There's like plenty of things to be done and I'm really scared I don't have the time to finish all. Then what will happen to my revision. Then I'll be so so so dead. Guess I will just be on hiatus, and focus on finishing my homework, and of course trying to resist the temptation of satan trying to lure me into sleeping while doing my work, or even using the computer.'Cause tonight will be the night I'll fall for you.
&still trying to find a happy ending
&still trying to find a happy ending
Tiong Bahru has much more things at the basement now and the yogurt at Yogurt Place is niceeee:D plus there is chewy junior, some kind of chewy donut. haha.
INDIANA JONESSSSS ! movie is abit funny and thrilling, and yes it's worth. The joke of the day yesterday was how blur my uncle was. He bought 5tickets for the movie from his company at Cathay, and all along he thought it was cathay building beside plaza singapura. But when we were about to enter, we realised hall four wasnt showing indiana jones. so he went to ask the person and realised that the movie is showing at Cineleisure cathay! but luckily the person was nice enough to help us check if there were extra spaces for the movie. about 5 theatres were showing the same show at around the same time.
Though we had to sit at the first row, lifting our heads up and feeling the pain in our neck, i think its worth it. haha i think this is the only movie this year that i screamed okay. haha. then my mum gave me a weird look haha.
No hillsongs concert tickets D: at first i thought my cell leader would get the tickets for us but she didnt so yea, no concert. next year then.
Parents and auntie and uncle went fishing at labourdor this morning, while im stuck at home.
HOLIDAY HOMEWORK:- 9 sets of chemistry papers
- 5 chinese paper two
- 2 chinese compositions
- 3 sets of english comprehensions
- 2 english compositions
- 2 a maths papers
- 2 e maths papers
- 1 e maths project on probability
- 1 geography worksheet
- millions of compositions to read
Plus, there is Amaths lessons on 30may, 2 and 3june. Chemistry lessons on 28may, Physics lessons on 2june. I'm still considering whether to go for resume writing and that scholarship interview course. siannz
On the happier note, I cant wait for 9th june! Sentosa and vivo with alethea and sili, those retards. :D
&still trying to find a happy ending
Everything I once held dearI count it all as lostLead me to the crossWhere Your love poured outBring me to my kneesLord I lay me downRid me of myselfI belong to YouO Lead me, lead me to the cross.I can feel God talking to me these two days, through the things I hear and do. And I know it's Him cause he seems to know what exactly I'm thinking/ feeling. Be it during worship, sermon or even quieting ourselves down, God speaks dearly into my heart. I can sense His peace in me and yes, what he wanna provide me with.
A calm blue scenery that is still, which slowly zoom in to a peaceful crystal blue sea, where the brightly lit sun's rays shone. Above the sea and up in the sky is a faint rainbow that stretches across the vast blue sky. -a picture I saw after worship during cell.Church today was great :D Holy spirit was ministering to me and my heart was filled with love and peace. Pastor Michael Ross Watson shared sermon about problems in life.
Problems occur because God wants to:
- Direct us. He wants to get our attention so that He can direct us into the right path, according to his plans for us.
- Inspect us. He wants to know whether we trust in Him. Just like how he tested Abraham by asking him to sacrifice his only son Issac as an offering.
- Correct us. It is only when we lose something that we will learn how to value it.
- Protect us. Preventing us from continuing with our wrongs.
- Perfect us.
" Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall make your paths straight. "Prayed for the china earthquake and
Myanmar typhoon
victims. It's really saddening for such things to happen.
Okay, Nan Hua Pri. jumbo sale/ mini funfair tomorrow :D CIAO
&still trying to find a happy ending
♥ I LOVE GOD!Great is our Lord, God almighty :D Yay, yay, yay. I am rather happy today, except the fact that the sight of my hair ruins my mood. Got back all the mid year exam results and though it is not fabulous like wow, but I'm satisfied with the thought that I could have done badly. I know there is much more improvements to be made, so I will just have to work doubly hard. I know I couldnt have done it all by myself, but glory goes to God.
For the past months, I had been worried about my physics but this time, I was really shocked to know that my physics improved from a 6 to A2. Tears of joy, I bet with you. Really, I didnt expect myself to score that well this time since the paper was rather difficult. And of course chinese too. though it's just a mere B3 but I know I did my best :D
Leading worship for the first time was kind of nervous/ blur. But thanks to edric and benny, and of course my whole cell for the encouragement and prayer for me before the worship :D Now there will be a praise and worship duty list lol, even icebreaker i/c too. I really feel like learning guitar as soon as possible but my fingers arent able to stretch, stretch, stretchhhh. I cant reach the chords hahaha.
Mid years are just over and boom. 9 sets of chemistry papers to do. Furthermore there is physics O'level spa which I must must must not screw up, otherwise,
dead. Okay, I'm tired. Ciao.
&still trying to find a happy ending
I'll sing in the troubled times, sing when I win.I'll sing when I lose my step, and fall down again.I can sing 'cause You pick me up, sing 'cause You're thereI can sing 'cause You hear me, LordWhen I call to You in prayer And so, the day started off with a tremendous blow that led to even more depressing moments for the day. Mid year results so far are rather screwed, and I cant imagine what would happen tomorrow while getting back the rest of the papers. Imagine getting back physics, a subject with you used to do well then all of a sudden dropped from a 1 to a 6, all the confidence would just be lost. Furthermore, the paper was so difficult that even if you memorise the formulas, it doesnt make a difference. Or maybe, that's for my case I guess. D:Having chemistry tuition hasnt really helped me, maybe it did or maybe it's just me. Everything seems to be on the wrong side for me. All my results have dropped like a few grades, even biology which I put in the most effort to study, missed the A1 by a mere one mark. Guess mum was right, my studying method?But I gotta thank God for my english. Languages are like the hated subjects, cause I seldom read books and hence therefore little understanding, bad results. Failing english for common test made me afraid since my chinese isnt oh-so-fabulous good too. But I know God heard my prayers and know my anxieties, though it isnt very good results but I managed a c5. I'm gonna do better/work harder/read more books! Miss Rani's o level target for me is A2!? I cant imagine the hope she has in me LOL.The worst thing is my haircut is screwed by the hairdresser! blame it on my bad eyesight that I cant see how much he had cut. now I cant really plait my hair, neatly. But nevertheless, what's done is done.I better pray hard that I do well for the remaining subjects. &&&KUEI RONG! Jiayou! we'll prove to the teachers that we can do it, and yea, have confidence too :D we will work together, as a class. For God knows the plans he has for me, and so I'll trust and have faith.''Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.''
&still trying to find a happy ending
there's an endless song, echoes in my heart.i hear the music ring & though the storms may come,i am holding on, to the rock i cling.Finally, mid year's are over. Guess it's really a burden off many shoulders, and of course the excitement after weeks of mugging and stress/disappointments. It really isn't easy getting through this 2whole weeks of examinations; staying up late, sleeping at irregular timings and even trying to resist the temptation of sleepiness. But yea, I managed to make it through by the glory of God. I feel bad that my relationship with God is drifting because of exams and some stuff. But nevertheless, He had been always there for me, answering my prayers and satisfying my needs.
I know I did my best for this mid years, though I started revision rather late. I did my best so I'm leaving the rest to God.
Bugis seoul garden birthday celebration for fangyu. we had lots of laughters and fun together with clique and elena's clique. We also met peijun and friends who were also celebrating her birthday. sang 3 times birthday song at seoul garden and everyone looked at us. kept eating and eating, playing with our food and all. walked around then went settlers' cafe.
There's lots and lots of post mid year activities :D
1. VIVO & SENTOSA with alethea and sili, those retards.
2. movies
3. nanhua primary jumbo sales/funfair
5. and more, more , more .
I think I'm having serious moodswing =/ right after exams i'm like super high and now i'm super low. damn.
i will lift my eyes, in the darkest night.for i know my saviour lives, &i will walk with You, knowing you'll see me throughand sing the songs you giveI'll sing in the troubled times, sing when I win.I can sing when I lose my step, and fall down again.I can sing cause you pick me up, sing cause you're there.I can sing cause you hear me, Lordwhen I call to you in prayer.I can sing with my last breath, sing for I knowthat I'll sing with the angels and saints around the throne.( How can I keep from singing.)
&still trying to find a happy ending