I'm back from Transformers Camp :DMy objectives for the camp, which I set, were met and I kinda enjoyed it. Even though my group was like the smallest because kenny and justin had to shuttle between transformers and treasure hunt camp, I think we're great. It's totally not like a camp at all because NACLI is more like a resort. The air-con rooms were damn cold, with personal toilets and stuff.
brief description:First day was kinda slack but we got to know people in our group, thought of group name (turbanators) and did silly cheers. watched prince of eygpt, Worshipped, word and prophetic circles where we prophesied for everyone in our group. God really spoke to me through the visions from my groupmates (:
Second day was games and it was kinda fun, training our physical and mental. The telematch was the funniest because during one part, we had to put 2 sponges under our armpits and run to the bowl to squeeze out the water till its full. Kinda gross and as we had to turn 8 turns 2 or 3 times beforehand, I was so dizzy that when I ran to the bowl which was on the floor, my knee was scaped and its damn pain now.
In the morning, there was prophetic drawing which was damn damn damn cool. Trust me, God is great! Pastor jenn led us into prayer to ask for visions for ourselves (with and without blindfolds) and a groupmate. Even if we think our drawing sucks, in God's eyes, it's beautiful. I'm really amazed.
Angel and mortal was funny yet touching. Howai was pranked by jon wong, and shereen spelt jon wong's name wrongly which made everyone laugh like mad, seriously haha.
Third day was the best as we had treasure hunt @ holland v. and it isnt the normal treasurehunt. Everyone of us has a treasure placed by God, in us that is yet to be discovered. Once again, we prayed for word/vision to be shared to the person we are supposed to bless and ask for God to show clues such as location, name or features of the person.
The first thing that came to mind was a picture of a whisk (something used to beat the egg with sugar flour etc) and the clues were chinese middle aged man. The others had their visions and clues and we made a treasure map out of them. I had a feeling the person would be in a bakery shop so we went cold storage but there was only a malay man so I was sure it wasnt him. We went to breadtalk and when I peeped in, there was bout 4 chinese middle aged man baking and I was like gosh, which one of them am I supposed to bless. So we stared at them from the outside and I noticed a man using a knife or something to mix the butter with sugar. At that moment I was like, " is that him?'' I couldnt be sure so we proceeded on. After lunch we went back there and once again, we stared at him again. Ben asked me if I wanted to go bless him but I hesistated and said maybe try other bakery shop. so we went to crystal jade my bread and there was no man there, so I could somehow confirm that the person'd be in breadtalk. Went to cold storage to get some stuffs and blessed Ben's treasure. Then once again we headed back to breadtalk when I decided to go forward to bless him, as I felt that God was telling me it's him.
I wasnt able to go inside the baking area so I stand outside the door and the cashier walked to me, speaking in chinese, asking if I was playing a game. Then I told her I was looking the that person {points finger} and the 2 men inside walked towards me.
conversation in chineseme: can I speak to him for a moment?
cashier: what do you want? playing a game?
that guy: (cantonese) why?{ I was stunned. I cant really speak in cantonese even though I'm one}
cashier to guy: she wants to talk to youme to cashier: does he know how to speak chinese?
cashier: ya he knows.me to guy: Im having a camp and I drew this for you. I just wanted to tell you that the breads that you make are nice and I really want to encourage you not to give up. {hands the picture to him}
guy: thank you {smiles widely}
At that moment, 3 people were surrounding me, other than beaver. Ben was like " wow you killed 3 birds with one stone" he meant that I blessed 3 of them with a picture :D Its really great! kenny, bern, ben and I gave out and blessed our treasures. It's really a extrodinary experience where sometimes you think that it doesnt make sense at all but somehow you never know that God has been directing the way for us, only needing us to have faith to follow Him.
There are many many many testimonies about how God helped us to bless the people out there. There was one that I was quite shocked when I heard. Kenneth clue was a girl called sarah who would appear near 7-11 at 4pm. so he and his group were waiting around that area. then a girl with the exact features appeared so kenneth shouted "sarah" and amazingly, the girl turned and responded. She was also quite shocked that he knows his name and when kenneth told her about the church thing, she couldnt believe her eyes but still, she accepted the picture :D
God is working through the lives of the young people! amen.
wrote cards for the leaders and did cards/notes for mortal. Chatted with chua, keann, gerald. video-ed keenan, ben yuan, ben goh and kenneth dancing and highing in the middle of the night at the learning lounge with rock music. damn funny.
Fourth day was testimonies, worship and phototaking before breaking camp. Had lunch with some of them at holland. pastor josh joined us as well, then home.
&still trying to find a happy ending
Cell gathering today was kinda fun, especially hearing olivia swear and curse, complaining bout her pain of wearing those heels while walking bout 25min to Andrew's house. Taboo-ed {in english and chinese. damn funny, no one understand what I was saying in chinese and joel asked me to describe in chinese b terms which means more simple. lol } Some played bridge, snap, while oli and me suggested tabletennis. It was really fun to play with miah, he's kinda pro haha. I laughed alot today because the guys were like making fun of me and miah while playing {im singapore and he is india} ,they kept cheering and jeering. Guys played badminton and baseball with pingpong ball hahahas. ohoh, and the girls screamed like crazy while playing snap, amazing hahas. Squeezed into Andrew's mum's car and went to church, chatted with some people.
1 Chronicles 16 (nkjv)
v8. oh,
give thanks to the Lord, call upon His name, make know His deeds among the people.v9. Sing to Him, sing psalms to Him, talk of all His wondrous works
v10. Glory to His holy name, let the hearts of those who rejoice seek the Lord
seek the Lord and His strength, seek His face evermore.v12.
remember His marvelous works which He has done, His wonders and the judgements of His mouth
2008 has been a really hectic year, with lots of ups and downs but no matter what, I really want to thank God for seeing me through the whole year. Without Him, I'd be stuck on my own to face the darkness and difficulties. It seemed to be a really short year where time passed extremely fast, like zoooomz. I must admit, I hadn't been a good girl this year, I hadn't been doing my qt regularly, always procastinating and pushing things aside, only to seek Him when I'm in trouble. But nevertheless, God has always been the faithful God, always there with everlasting arms outstretched waiting for me. And I really wanna thank Him for that.
Being weighed down by cca, council and studies, it's really a difficult time to cope. I knew I made the right choice on focusing on cca and studies, declining exco position, if not I wouldnt be able to survive through. West zone competition, nationals, sec1 orientation camp etc etc, it's really hard to manage everything right at the start of the year, missing lessons during the most crucial part of our secondary life. I had always thought I'd break down anytime any moment because during commons, my results were devastating but God guided me through all and encouraged me.
I'll always remember in Jan when I was so freaked out by the chinese o level results I was reminded of a verse in the bible and it really assured me.
Psalm 118:5-6I called to the Lord in destress, the Lord answered me and set me in a broad place. The Lord is on my side, I will not fear.That night, I was comforted by His word and the next day when I saw an A1 for chinese, I cried of joy.It's really great!
Preparations for O's were like nightmares and the constant stress just made me gorge myself with more and more food. Thank God for the friends that He had placed in my life, for they were with me when I needed help, when I was so so so stress and their words of encouragement really spur me on. Elena, Jiayu, Estella, Yuan, Fangyu, Ferny etc, thank you guys for everything :D Whenever I felt as though I screwed things up, God, you made a miracle happen, so I'm gonna trust my o's results into your hands.v34. Oh, give thanks to the Lord, for He is good! for His mercy endures forever.v35. And say, "save us, O God of our salvation. gather us together and deliver us from the gentiles, to give thanks to your holy name, to triumph in Your praise"v36. Blessed be the Lord God of Israel from everlasting to everlasting. and all the people said "Amen!" and praised the Lord. I'll forever remember God's work in my life, amen.church camp tomorrow and I'm getting alittle more excited after chatting with nicole, sarah and sam. Hopefully will be able to be in the same room with at least one of them.I still haven pack finish my stuff, so tata. HAPPY NEW YEAR IN ADVANCE!
&still trying to find a happy ending
Christmas lunch was awesome :D
Helped my mum to make coca-cola ham, and food was fabulous! Black pepper crab, flower crab, prawns, fish, ham, abalone vegetables, potato salad, vinegar pig trotter, crispy chicken, logcake. WOW.
that would be 25kg added on my pile of lard, right alethea? hahas {bet you had what you wished for in my birthday card hahas} Played some games, chatted, videos, exchange of presents. It was supposed to be lunch but there was so much food that it lasted till dinner.
Now I need to exercise hahas.
Reached home and had a surprised, thanks :D {I suspected something though, hahs}
Guitar today with Edric, and my fingers are pain/numb D: Gotta practise more.
ohohoh, and Beaver got me a canned kangaroo from Aust, but I don't know if there's really anything inside. Edric said there's a squashed up kangaroo squeezed into it, and beaver advised me not to use a can opener, how then do I open it?! hahahas. I don't know what to get for the guys, seriously, it's damn difficult to get gifts for guys. ha.
Transformers camp from 28th - 31st dec'08. There's so many things to pack. I pray for transformation man, and hope it's gonna be fun. It's like the 2nd church camp I went since the p6 one. And hopefully I know some people in my group, cause sec4s are the youngest there among the JPI.
Tomorrow's cell gathering at Andrew's house (:
&still trying to find a happy ending
&still trying to find a happy ending
Seriously, I hate my life. Just what the hell is wrong man. I cant stand my family.When I don't pack my room, they grumble. When I pack finish my room, they grumble. Like wth? Mum says I'm selfish 'cause I only pack my home but please, when I touch their things and nag at them for always putting their things anywhere, they scold me. I really don't know what they want!! My brother is jealous that my room is much much neater/cleaner than his and he commands me to pack his room in a day, like hello, I took weeks okay.Idiot. I can guarantee that the things around the house are not mine. I hate this thing bout my dad; he keeps almost everything and the house is in a mess because of him!Now my mum is beginning to be like that. I really wish I can just lock myself up in my room forever. ass.and why does my brother seems like he is the king of the household. Everyone listens to him. Stupid spoilt brat who always complains bout army/navy, grow up lah.Ah whatever, damn it.Tomorrow's Christmas but I don't feel the festive mood at all.By the way,HAPPY BIRTHDAY JEROME :DAll I want for christmas is my 6 points :D heh. {prays hard}Like your thoughts are on the AM frequency but I'm only getting FM.
&still trying to find a happy ending
Weina's back from India, and she changed alot. Prettier :D
Sometimes, things are just hidden the place they're meant to be.
Once again, my brother is grumbling about his navy training. Spoilt brat, irritating.
&still trying to find a happy ending

Once again, I miss Beijing, I miss those days D:
&still trying to find a happy ending
Elena's in Hong Kong, Cherng yew's in Japan, Sili's going Korea at 4am.
I miss Elena, & I'm so going to miss Sili! (L)
Kinda emotional these few days, and my temper is bad. Quarrelled with parents again.
Council rod at west coast park tmr, bet there'd be very little sec4s.
I kinda feel sick of holidays. Aimless. But at least my room is neater.
I'vent gotten Christmas cards.
dead D:Why doesnt it feel like Christmas is in 3 days' time? Or is it just me. Sigh.Would 2009 be a better year? Hopefully.
&still trying to find a happy ending

Your blood,
washes over me.
Twilight with girls today. Movie was okay but Jiayu, Fangyu and I kept laughing at the people sitting behind us. Like damn retarded.
Jiayu loves me, heh, 'cause she treats me like her atm machine. I'm like always the kind soul treating her food/drinks. She better remember me for that man. Ha.
I think I've mood swing. Like damn serious ones. D: goshh
& I tend to eat alot when I'm unhappy. grr!
I hate all these.
&still trying to find a happy ending
Tell the world that Jesus lives,Tell the world that, Tell the world that.Tell the world that He died for them,Tell the world that He lives again.I went to cut my fringe yesterday and it's kinda screwed. It doesnt stay, when I'm wearing contacts, the ends of my fringe poke my eye, damn irritating.
eczema is back, and it's super itchy D: I guess I can't go swimming at the moment. Movie tmr with the girls :D
Elena's going Hong Kong on friday. How I wish she could pack me into her luggage hahas.
Ohohoh, and yeah, I'm a happy girl 'cause I got my eagles award :DDD heh.
&still trying to find a happy ending

pictures from old com. time past, 2years just flew past so fast. memories.
&still trying to find a happy ending
I'm using the computer in my room after a million years and it totally sucks. There's something wrong with msn and I can't freaking hell reinstall! Plus, the com is just super sloww. DDDD:
I WANT A LAPTOP!I WANT A MACBOOK!D:I wanna stay in my room after everything is packed so I need my com to have msn but whyyyyyyy! I don't wanna go all the way out to the dining room to use the com. Sigh, hate this. Everytime my dad do some updating/scanning on this com, the msn just disappear and I always have a hard time reinstalling. damn.I'm damn sad now.So in the end, I went rhema night service instead of watching movie with shan/ros. Sorry nigel, but thanks for asking me :D hope you enjoyed it. Guitar at Edric's house today was cancelled so I met Alethea at KAP for tea (mac) then we walked around cold storage. Played wii and had dinner there. Bused to Grace Assembly of God. Service was at the sanctuary, which is bigger than the chapel {but my church audi is still bigger heh} Your whisper in my heart, speaks to me. I'll trust in You. Sermon on creation of God, as the theme for today was indescrible. Almost similar to the video I watched at COOS and on youtube {past post}, telling us how big is the solar system, milkyway, galaxy, universe and stuff. Seriously, I gotta admit that it's hard, not to believe that there is a God at all. All the creations are just so amazing, so magnificient. Be curious, ask yourself each time you see something, how it came about.Who placed the stars and the planets in the place they are now?How did we come from?How is it that we are able to breathe, sing, walk etc?I really agree with the quote, which says that a person really admire people who do not believe in God, because it takes alot of faith to do so. Even if we were evolved from apes, how then did apes come from?God of wonders beyond our galaxy. You're holy, holy.
&still trying to find a happy ending

&still trying to find a happy ending
PRESLEY IS BACK :D heh.Dental consultation yesterday.
My lower jaw is slightly more protruding than my upper jaw, if you realised. And the dentist gave me 2 alternatives which scare the hell outta me. Serious. It's either I, a 16 year-old girl, go for
jaw surgery then put braces, or just put braces but my jaw problem would not really be solved.
Like hellooooooo, jaw surgery? Imagine they sawing your jaw, putting screws and risking complications like permanent numbness in the lips? yikes, no way man!
So in the end, I'll only do braces. He said my jaw prob would still be there but it may be better, he said he would try, but he didnt seem convincing enough D:
Putting separators only on the day of extraction, which the next appointment is 12 feb. 2 more months! =(
But I'm rather confused. The same dentist and front desk girl told me and jennifer different things. He referred her to SDC for extraction at concession price like bout $9/tooth but mine he said he ownself extract $50/tooth. WTH! That's a great difference lah.
why so unfairrrr!& my appointments are on thursday. I told them might clash with school but the girl say I can call to change but must be earlier. But she didnt say that to jenn. She suggested saturday appointment for her. yucks, UNFAIR. HAHA. Hopefully I'll be free on those 3 days. I'M SO GONNA FREAK OUT WHEN THE DATES ARE NEARERRRR D:Went plaza sing to shop awhile, then dinner there. Too bad didnt see chua, who was having birthday dinner with his family. =/Went edric's hse to learn guitar today. 4 chords :D but my finger keep touching other string D:ohoh, and andrew got baptised today :D heh.
&still trying to find a happy ending
HAPPY BIRTHDAY JON CHUA :DDDhaha, sorry yea, dental, heh.
&still trying to find a happy ending
Table tennis this morning though didn't really play much, but I'm pretty sure the rest had fun. Went to Bukit Timah food centre for lunch with alethea and sili. Sili looks nice with her braces :D
so so sooooooo neat and tidy! I'M JEALOUS =( my dad loves to keep rubbish, irritating! I kept looking around her room, seriously, I can't find any textbooks anywhere haha. when will my hse/room be like hers man.
Played wii, which I'm bad in. haha. Then we went for a jog/stroll/camwhore session :DDD ohoh, and we ate lots and lots and lots of junk food that adds to the weighing scale =( I put on 0.7kg sighhhh.
Nigel won tickets to watch Angus, Thongs and Perfect Snogging with Shan/Ros from 987 and he asked me to go but I got something on on monday =(
council bbq tmr.byebye.
&still trying to find a happy ending
I've been packing my room for ages, and the dust in my room is intolerable. My sensitive nose is causing me problems again D:
But I guess it will continue till I officially pack finish it, i guess {hopefully} before christmas.
Jiayu is in Korea, Carolene's going Malaysia today, and sherm & titus are coming back from east timor today.I kept asking myself whether the problem is with me. Why doesnt she reply me like how she usually did. She seemed so distant already, it's unlike her at all. It has been like this since october and I really can't help questioning. Sigh.
&still trying to find a happy ending
WALAO, I'M DAMN DAMN DAMN SAD NOW, FREAKING! D:Should I go ACJC tabletennis trials tomorrow?
then dun go la
waste your time
you making me luan also
you just pretend you nv see the msg b4 lor
then you wun even regret le
hahaQIANYI :
i matured liao ma
dun go think la
go delete
pretend nth has happenedCan I pretend nothing has happened before?
Actually, I feel like going, but no one wants to accompany me there. I mean, wouldn't it be weird to go there alone. Everyone would have at least a known friend there and would talk to each other while I'm alone. Wouldn't it be weird and awkward? I asked a few and they couldn't make it and I really dont wanna go by myself. Furthermore, I heard that they're only looking for 2 players! WHAT ARE THE ODDS!?
I've already forsaken SAJC trials.
I don't have confidence for my o level. what if I don't do well? wouldn't I blame myself for it?
yet I'd rather not join back tabletennis if given the choice.
CONTRADICTION!!!diediedie. walao howwwwwwww now!
sigh. someone help meeeeeeeeeeeee! D:
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways, acknowledge him, and He'll make your paths straight. Proverbs 3:5-6For I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11I think I made my decision already?
& where were you, when I needed you most
Hopefully tomorrow would be a better day=/ Maybe I need to go jogging/swimming or go pack my room to occupy myself.
&still trying to find a happy ending

& those were the days when laughters filled the air; life seemed to be so fulfilling with activities and friends by our side every single day.
I really miss the times in school. At least there were things to do, and seriously, I don't mind studying. It sounds crazy but after getting used to this life for years, and just suddenly, I feel like I'm lost, like there's no aim anymore. Every time when we're busy with school work, we'd long for the holidays to relax but when the holidays arrive with nothing to do, we'd wish otherwise.
No one wants to hire someone who only has 1month plus available. There must be a minimun of 3 months for F&B. Kino hasn't called so I take it as they do not need help. I'm becoming a fatass D: Everyday is just eat, sleep, computer, tv... gosh, the kilograms on the weighing scale might just scare the hell outta me when school reopen!
Furthermore, surprisingly, thinking of braces is making me shiver, after what sili told me. Mum said that if I can't take the pain for braces, how am I going to give birth next time; which is true but the thought just makes my hair stand, ha.
I WANT TO GET A JOB! {too late I guess}
I'm bored, really, really, really bored D: howwwwwwwwwwwww!
SILI! when is sentosa and raffles town club trip!!!
&still trying to find a happy ending
I need to be away, away from this thought.Firstly,
HAPPY BIRTHDAY BENNY!Don't think he'd be seeing this anyway haha.
SHERM & TITUS,HAVE A SAFE TRIP TO EAST TIMOR FOR MISSIONS :D Will keep you guys in prayers!Okay, 99.99999999999% I will be making braces in 'bout 3months' time. Thanks to Jennifer for recommending me that dentist haha. We'd be having the same dentist :D Consultation next friday, and if all goes well, I will be doing xray and models for my teeth. Can't wait for it.
Both Elena and Sili had their braces on yesterday! & I'm like damn jealous of sili lah haha. Can't blame her, she's rich =p haha { one moment we were discussing bout braces and the next moment she told me she putting braces, in like 2 weeks?}
Sentosa tomorrow, sili?I'm so so so so damn damn damn damn bored at home/ during the holidays. Helped my auntie to pack her office yesterday but who is going to help me pack my room/ house! Sigh, sigh, sigh.
I still want to go ikea to get decorations/ presents/ idon'tknowwhat to revamp my room! D:
Tata, not in the mood, recently, if you realised.
&still trying to find a happy ending